7 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Reflexology

Reflexology is a powerful method for releasing tension and healing the body. Expand your knowledge and discover the hidden wonders of this holistic practice.

Reflexologist applying pressure to a client's hands

"So it’s like a foot massage?"

These oft-repeated words make most reflexologists cringe, as there's a lot more to reflexology than a bit of foot rubbing.

Obviously if you've just started studying reflexology, you won't know how to heal insomnia through the toes straight away. So rather than quoting what those who don't understand this practice have said before, have a read and impress your teacher with these 13 strange-but-true facts about reflexology!

1. It's an ancient practice.

Reflexology has been around forever— well, at least since 2330 B.C. It originated in Egypt, according to hieroglyphics found in the Physician’s Tomb, which depict physicians applying pressure with their hands to the soles of patient’s feet.

2. The start-up costs are low.

If you’re looking to get into reflexology, don’t worry if you don’t have a fat wallet to buy tools or fancy equipment. A reflexologist’s only tools are their hands.

3. It's a complementary therapy.

Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support it, some hospitals and health establishments are incorporating reflexology as a clinical therapy into their regimens in various places around the world.

4. It comes in various forms.

There are different kinds of reflexology— the original Ingham Method, Thai Reflexology, Vertical Reflexology, Gentle Touch Reflexology and more.

5. It's a relaxing experience.

During a session, a reflexology client gets to lie down comfortably on a bed, barefoot. A de-stressor that allows for lying down and relaxation? Sign us up!

6. It's big in Scandinavia.

In Denmark and Norway, reflexology is the most commonly used form of holistic therapy.

7. It's worth a try.

The average human’s feet ordinarily bear the weight of over 1,000 tonnes every day—whether you believe in reflexology as a medical practice or not, why not take a load off for once and give it a shot?

If any of these facts have sparked your curiosity, perhaps it’s time to consider a career as a reflexologist. Reflexology is on the rise and, luckily for you, we’ve got plenty of courses that will help you grow into an expert!

Browse Reflexology courses here
