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Embedded Systems - Shape The World: Multi-Threaded Interfacing

edX, Online
8 weeks
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Self-Paced Online
8 weeks
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Self-Paced Online
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Course description

Embedded Systems - Shape The World: Multi-Threaded Interfacing

Learn how electronic gadgets are designed, developed, and built as embedded systems that shape the world.

This is part two of a two part sequence. In this class, we will use interrupts to design a range of real-time systems including an audio player, a data acquisition system, a control system, and an interactive game. This is a hands-on, learn-by-doing course that shows you how to build solutions to real-world problems using embedded systems. These courses use a bottom-up approach to problem solving, building gradually from simple interfacing of switches and LEDs to complex concepts like display drivers, digital to analog conversion, generation of sound, analog to digital conversion, motor control, graphics, interrupts, and communication. We will present both general principles and practical tips for building circuits and programming the microcontroller in the C programming language. You will develop debugging skills using oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, and software instrumentation. Laboratory assignments are first performed in simulation, and then you will build and debug your system on the real microcontroller. At the conclusion of this course you will possess the knowledge to build your own arcade-style game from the ground up..

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?


Computer programming course in any language with exposure to variables, arithmetic, logic, loops, and functions. High school physics course covering current, voltage, resistance, and power. We expect students to have knowledge obtained in part 1 of the course including LED/switch interfacing, I/O port programming, finite state machine, microcontroller debugging, and C programming.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

What you'll learn

  • Understanding of embedded systems using modular design and abstraction
  • C programming: considering both function and style
  • Build and test circuits with switches, LEDs, resistors, potentiometers, and liquid crystal displays
  • Synchronizing hardware and software input/output with switches, lights, sound, sensors. motors, and liquid crystal displays
  • Implement an I/O driver and multi-threaded programming using interrupts
  • Debug using oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, and software instrumentation
  • Learn how to read a data sheet
  • Construct a smart object and create a system as part of the Internet of Things

Training Course Content

Module 1: Welcome and introduction to course and staff

Module 11: UART - The Serial Interface, I/O Synchronization

Lab 11. Write C functions that output decimal and fixed-point numbers to serial port

Module 12: Interrupts

Lab 12. Design and test a guitar tuner, producing a 440 Hz tone

Module 13: DAC and Sound

Lab 13. Design and test a digital piano, with 4 inputs, digital to analog conversion, and sound

Module 14: ADC and Data Acquisition

Lab 14. Design and test a position measurement, with analog to digital conversion and calibrated output

Module 15: Systems Approach to Game Design

Lab 15. Design and test a hand-held video game, which integrates all components from previous labs. Lab 15 will be graded by having students watch videos of each other's’ games.

Module 16: Wireless Communication and the Internet of Things

Lab 16. Connect a CC3100 booster pack to the LaunchPad and communicate with an access point. Lab 16 will first fetch weather from the internet, and then you will send data to the class server.

Course delivery details

This course is offered through The University of Texas at Austin, a partner institute of EdX.

8-10 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$199
  • Audit Track - Free