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Mobile Application Experiences Part 2: Mobile App Design

edX, Online
4 weeks
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
4 weeks
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
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Course description

Mobile Application Experiences Part 2: Mobile App Design

Want to create the next big app, grounded in the needs of real users? This course will teach you Human Computer Interaction (HCI) methods to better understand current behavior in a domain, and then design, develop, and deploy your own application.

This module will take you from an application idea through the creation of a paper prototype and a usability evaluation to validate initial usability of your concept.

Completion of Mobile Application Experiences Part 1 is not required. You can begin this module with an idea you have had on your own.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Start anytime

  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?



Outcome / Qualification etc.

What you'll learn

  • Identifying key use cases based on user data
  • Turning use cases into designs and interaction flows
  • Creating a paper prototype of your design
  • Understanding initial usability in an evaluation of your paper prototype

Training Course Content

Module 1: Understanding a Domain

  • Week 1: Studying a Domain
  • Week 2: Identifying Themes and Market Gaps
  • Week 3: Proposing a Novel Application

Module 2: Mobile Design

  • Week 1: From Use Cases to Screens
  • Week 2: Paper and Interactive Prototyping
  • Week 3: Usability Testing

Module 3: Building Mobile Applications

  • Week 1: Getting Started on Android and iOS
  • Week 2: Mobile Location and Networking
  • Week 3: Instrumentation and Logging / Poster Session

Module 4: Understanding Use

  • Week 1: Quantitative Methods: Logging, A/B Testing
  • Week 2: Qualitative Methods: Field and Diary Studies
  • Week 3: Analyzing Data: Case Study

Module 5: Reporting Research Findings

  • Week 1: Writing a CHI-style paper
  • Week 2: Submit paper

Course delivery details

This course is offered through Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a partner institute of EdX.

10-12 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$49
  • Audit Track - Free