Professional Training

Leading in a VUCA World

Management Centre Europe, In Milan (+1 locations)
2 days
2 days

Course description

Management Centre Europe

Leading in a VUCA World

As a leader, do you build walls or windmills?

Do you have the leadership qualities that are needed to drive a company through disruption and change?

Changes in our business world have never been as rapid and as fundamental as today. We live in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world where Leaders and Managers need to be agile and have the right leadership skills to cope with today's VUCA business world.

However, those companies that do not perceive these changes and are unable or unwilling to properly respond to disruption will soon be attacked, then eliminated by more agile competitors.

How can you prepare your organization for change and disruption?

Register for this 2-day leadership training and experience what you can do within your “circle of control” to ensure your company uses this “wind of change” to gain a competitive advantage. We offer you lots of windmills in this leadership course.

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Suitability - Who should attend?

If you are a leader with the task of changing your organization and its culture to be more dynamic, flexible, agile and resilient, this Program is for you.

Some of the management positions that usually attend to this leadership training course are:

  • HR professionals
  • Vice presidents
  • Executive directors
  • Directors
  • Senior managers
  • Division managers
  • Professionals with strategic leadership roles
  • People working in Training, Coaching and organizational development

Training Course Content

Leading in the VUCA World Course Outline:

Day 1

  • Why today’s world can be best described with the acronym “VUCA”.
  • What does Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity mean for the “New Work” we experience today?
  • Why all traditional leadership styles fail to be effective in this VUCA environment?
  • Why employer branding has become both difficult and essential in a VUCA world?
  • Why employees leave their (traditional) managers and not their companies?
  • How “NOPA” provide a both flexible and highly effective response to the VUCA world?

Day 2

  • Leadership Technique Decoded: What does Networking, Openness, Participation, and Agility (NOPA) stand for?
  • Why agility alone cannot help companies and how it can even be destructive for company culture?
  • How to get your business leaders and managers to adopt the NOPA approach?
  • Integrate the benefits of the digital world to manage your transformation process
  • Apply in your team: Benefit from the intelligence of all your employees using a state-of-the –art software designed to inspire swarm intelligence
  • Action plan and next steps

For more information please visit the training provider website.

Why choose Management Centre Europe

10,000 Managers and Leaders inspired by MCE each year

400,000 participants on MCE Programmes since 1961

50+ Open Training Programmes throughout EMEA
