Professional Training

Arabic Qur'anic Beginners

10 weeks
299 GBP
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Course delivery
10 weeks
299 GBP
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Course delivery

Course description

Arabic Qur'anic Beginners:

The aim of this course is to familiarise students with the basic structures of Classical Arabic and to help students comprehend the language of the Qur'an. Emphasis is placed on reading and writing skills as well as listening and speaking.

Class instructions are mostly delivered in Arabic, though a mixture of Arabic and English will be used to introduce new grammatical topics. Students are encouraged to participate in drilling practice, pair work and group work. Competence in using the language is reinforced through relevant activities in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

There are two consolidation sessions: one in the middle of the course and one at the end of the course. Consolidation exercises aim at practising the learned materials through different activities. Teaching methods take account of the different learning styles of individual learners, while ensuring that the group as a whole makes good progress so as to cover the syllabus and achieve the target learning outcomes.

By the end of the course, learners are expected to have gained a good understanding to the systems of Arabic grammar and vocabulary in the Qur’an, while also developing the skills of comprehending and producing Arabic in speech and writing. Some prior knowledge of the Arabic writing system is essential for this course.

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Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Contact for dates

  • Classroom
  • London

Outcome / Qualification etc.

No Qualification