IT - User

Discuss training and courses related to IT User. Here you can discuss different training providers, ask questions regarding courses within the subject and get valuable input that may help you choose the right course. is the largest independent directory of training courses in the UK and in this thread you can discuss anything within the subject of IT Users such as Microspoft packages / Word / Excel / Windows training courses with other professionals and trainers, and course providers.

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Responses Threads
1 IT User courses 20/11/2014   Paulo Delgado I am looking for IT for User Course Office Word, Excel and Power Point. I would like to know if you have any concession with governament please. I saw one similar course starting and I am avai...
1 Microsoft Office course 30/09/2014   Jen How do I find a good Microsoft Office course? Seems to be loads out there, no idea how one can possibly choose between them...
3 In-house Outlook/Excel trainers with laptops 25/09/2014   Kristina Korlevska Hello, I am looking for in-house Outlook and Excel trainers who bring laptops for participants (as we don't have training rooms with computers). Can you please suggest a couple of companies? M...
1 Office course 02/07/2014   Supti How do I find a good Microsoft Office course?
1 excel course 02/07/2014   Patrick I'm interested in a 2 day excel course in London. I would like to learn more about Pivot Tables and Excel 2007.
4 Looking for intermediate excel courses 09/08/2012   user intermediate excel courses
0 Apple Mac Instruction course 09/08/2011   mikeandbee Looking for a basic Apple Mac Instruction course for a retired person
2 Computer courses 17/05/2011   grace1321 looking to study computers
2 Microsoft training courses 23/02/2009   Christin I want to get better understanding for Microsoft products and improve my skills within Word, Power Point, Outlook and Excel. Not too expensive course prices, please!
Displaying 1-9 of 9 posts


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