
Discuss training and courses related to Negotiation Skills. Here you can discuss different training providers, ask questions regarding courses within the subject and get valuable input that may help you choose the right course. is the largest independent directory of training courses in the UK and in this thread you can discuss anything within the subject of Negotiation Skills with other professionals and trainers, and course providers.

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Responses Threads
0 Advanced Negotiation Seminar 21/01/2015   i.stathoulopoulou Goodmorning, I'm working at the procurement dept. of Hellenic Postbank in Athens-Greece (i'm a buyer) and me and two other colleagues are interested in participating to a public access seminar...
1 Negotiating agreements courses 12/12/2014   oluwatossyn need a course purely legal on negotiating agreement particularly in the oil and gas (up stream and down stream sectors) facility agreement, security trust deeds, accounts agreement etc
1 Negotiation training courses 02/03/2009   Marvin I work as a Key Account Manager and need to improve my negotiation skills with some training courses.
Displaying 1-3 of 3 posts


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