Top Training Buyer Trends for 2019

Get an inside look at findings from our 2018-2019 Training Buyer Survey featured in our U.K. Training Report: 2019. Find out what over 100 corporate training buyers have to say about external training!

Get an inside look at findings from our 2018-2019 Training Buyer Survey featured in our U.K. Training Report: 2019.

In order to help training providers better understand their target audience, we surveyed over 100 corporate training buyers to find out how they view and approach training. A few of our questions included, how buyers view external training, what channels they use to learn about training providers and what they expect from suppliers. 

Below you can find a sneak peek at a few of our key findings from the survey! 

1. How do training buyers view the quality of external training versus internal training? 

In order to understand how training buyers view the value of external training, we asked them to compare their feelings in regards to the quality of external training to internal training. Our findings revealed that 84% of training buyers feel that external training from training companies is of higher quality than internal training from employees within their company. 

2. How do training buyers learn about potential new providers? 

Raising awareness and drawing in new clients is a common challenge that many training companies experience. In order to help providers expand their reach, we asked training buyers to name the top ways they learn about new training companies. Large and small organizations both identified search engines as the top resource used to learn about new training providers, with conference speakers as their second method of choice. 

3. How soon do training buyers expect a response to their enquiry? 

We all know that life can get busy, making it hard to stay on top of email and phone inquiries. In order to find out how much training buyers value speedy responses, we asked them what time frame they expect training providers to reply to them in. Sixty-five percent of training buyers responded, saying that they expected a response within one business day. Furthermore, 43% of respondents stated that they would not work with training providers who did not respond in their specified time frame. 

Understanding how training buyers view external training and what they expect from a training company is key if you want to expand your reach and attract new clients to your services. If you want to read the full training buyer report, then fill in the form below to receive an early copy of our 2018-2019 Training Buyer Survey featured in our U.K. Training Report: 2019!

Receive our 2019 Training Buyer's Report!

In our 2019 Training Buyer's Report you will find:

  • Key takeaways from our survey, including what training buyers are looking for
  • Market predictions and marketing trends for the UK training industry
  • Broader L&D trends
  • How to future-proof your business and retain a competitive edge in the years to come
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UK Training Buyers Report 2019


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