Course description
German - Beginners Plus - Part 2
To enable you to understand and express simple ideas in the target language and exchange and find out basic information in familiar situations.
Upcoming start dates
1 start date available
Training Course Content
The course explores in more detail topics and functions covered at Beginners level:
- Personal information
- Eating and drinking
- Shopping and services
- Leisure
- Using the new alphabet (for non-Roman script languages)
- Formal and informal language if appropriate
- Negative structure
- Words used to link ideas g. and, but, also
- How to ask questions
- The basic rules of pronunciation
- Simple structures to express like / dislike
- Present tense / timeframe with frequently used verbs / structures
- Basic numerical data.
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At Birmingham Adult Education Service their aim is to make a difference. Offering courses such as English, Math, Health & Social Care and Art, BAES has a vision to become an outstanding provider of community learning and skills. Whether you're...