Course description
This a one-year course which covers a wide range of scientific disciplines including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, as well as English and Maths
Suitability - Who should attend?
- Entry requirements
GCSE (9-1): Minimum 4 GCSE grades at 2 or above and/or a pass at Entry Level 3 plus interview and initial assessment. Evidence of Entry 2 Literacy and Numeracy are required.
Legacy GCSE: Minimum 4 GCSE grades at E or above and/or a pass at Entry Level 3 plus interview and initial assessment. Evidence of Entry 2 Literacy and Numeracy are required. - Who is the course for?
This course will appeal to those students who:
•Have a keen interest in the application of Science
•Enjoy studying a subject that is relevant to their own lives and experience
•Want to find out more about Science through personal investigation
•Want the opportunity to carry out practical work as well as class work
•Are interested in developing an understanding of Science and how to solve scientific problems
•Want to study a course that is active and enjoyable
•Want to move on to a higher level course
Continuing Studies
A BTEC Level 1 Introductory Diploma in Applied Science provides a good grounding to go on to a more advanced course such as: OCR Level 2 Technical Diploma in Applied Science, Medical Science or related Science / Technology areas.