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Leisure / Fun Classes

Chinese Improvers

9 weeks
140 GBP
9 weeks
140 GBP
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Course description

Chinese Improvers:

This is a lively and interactive course which is suitable for students who have finished Chinese Beginners Level 2 and Level 3 and who have finished ‘Easy Steps to Chinese’ Book 1,or are at a similar level. All four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing will be developed.

The focus of this course will be:

  • Strokes and stroke order
  • Radicals and simple characters
  • Formation of phrases
  • Topics covering Countries, Languages, Subjects of Study, Making Phone Calls, and Weather
  • Simple grammar and sentence structures
  • Typing skills

Classroom instruction in Chinese

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Suitability - Who should attend?

Suitable for students who have finished Chinese Beginners Level 3.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

No Qualification

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