Course description
IELTS stands for International English Language Testing Service. This test is used to show universities in Britain and elsewhere that your level of English is high enough to attend a course. The test, like your course, consists of four modules - Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Each 2 hour session of your 10 week course will be broken up as follows: Part 1 - guided listening and speaking; Part 2 - presentation of written functions followed by guided classroom practice. Further written homework, to practise and reinforce the work done in class, will be given out at the end of most sessions. This work will be collected in the next class, corrected by the teacher and then handed back the following week. By the end of the course you will have improved your ability: to hear and respond to a wide range of normal spoken English; to read and understand a wide range of English texts; to write concise and effective English; to learn and access a wider range of English vocabulary.
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Suitability - Who should attend?
Outcome / Qualification etc.
No Qualification