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Introduction to Counselling Skills

20 hours
99 GBP
20 hours
99 GBP
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Course description

Introduction to Counselling Skills:

This course is aimed at those who want to begin the process of improving their communication skills in their personal or professional lives. The course offers an insight into the nature of counselling activity for those considering professional counselling training. It is not designed as counselling training in its own right but participants will increase their self-awareness and develop their ability as effective listeners through active participation and regular attendance. There is no formal assessment during or at the end of the course. This is a very practical course, providing an ideal opportunity to practise and enhance your listening skills and to develop your ability to understand and empathise with others more effectively and appropriately. It will also give you an opportunity to make connections between basic theory, the use of counselling skills and your own experiences through discussion, small group exercises, self reflection and counselling skills practice.For students wishing to continue their training, the College offers an integrated part-time professional counselling training programme with each stage providing an opportunity to achieve a vocational award. The AIM Awards Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills course is available as the first stage. Further information on course progression will be available on the college website or from the Adult Education Co-ordinator (Counselling) at Hills Road Sixth Form College. By the end of the course you will have been given an opportunity to: explore the use of some basic counselling skills as a helping activity, demonstrate the use of some basic counselling skills, acquire understanding of some basic theory that underpins counselling activity, begin to identify the core conditions necessary for developing a helping relationship, discuss some ethical issues in the context of using counselling skills, examine how the listener's personal values and integrity can influence the listening experience and acknowledge some ways in which your self-awareness is developing.

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