Course description
Duty of Care
Duty of Care’ involves the promotion of wellbeing – that is the positive way in which a person feels and thinks of themselves - and making sure that people are kept safe from harm, abuse, and injury. It therefore requires workers in health and social care to always act in the best interest of the people they care for, and their co-workers. It also requires them not to act, or fail to act, in a way that results in harm, to act within their competence, and to avoid taking on anything they do not believe they can safely do.
Duty of Care' is part of the code of conduct for healthcare support workers, and adult social care workers in England, and is usually part of their job description.
This course will enable the learner to understand the meaning of 'Duty of Care', and how to comply with its key components.
Upcoming start dates
Outcome / Qualification etc.
Awarding Body: Learning Nexus
Our qualifications are Regulated Qualifications issued by the leading Awarding Organisations that are recognised throughout the UK.
The certificate successful learners receive on completion of a Regulated Qualification will contain the logo of the Awarding Organisation, and the relevant UK Regulator (Ofqual) along with the full qualification title and qualification number.
Training Course Content
This course covers
- Legislation impacting on Duty of Care
- A definition of Duty of Care
- Duty of Care to those receiving care, and support and to other workers
- Following agreed ways of working
- Passing on concerns
- Supporting independence
- Respecting the rights of individuals
- Reporting incidents, errors and near misses
- Dealing correctly with comments and complaints
- Managing conflict
Course price: £17.99 (Inc VAT)