Course description
Mental health problems affect around 1 in 10 children and young people. These issues include depression, anxiety and conduct disorder and can often be a direct response to occurrences in their lives. Emotional wellbeing is just as important as a child’s mental health, therefore it is important for those working with children and young people to have a good understanding of the concepts, risk factors and impact of mental health. On this course you will learn about these units: Unit 1 - Understand Children and Young People’s Mental Health in Context • Unit 2 - Understand Factors which may Affect Children and Young People’s Mental Health • Unit 3 - Understand Children and Young People’s Mental Health Concerns • Unit 4 - Understand the Impact of Children and Young People’s Mental Health Concerns • Unit 5 - Understand how to Support Children and Young People with Mental Health Concerns.
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Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
Students should have Lived in the EU for three years and aged 19+. You will need to be confident with written English in order to meet the required standards.
Outcome / Qualification etc.
Nationally recognised qualification