Course description
What will I learn?
How have political, social and economic events in Britain brought us to where we are now? AS level History gives you the opportunity to evaluate and assess primary and secondary sources of information and formulate your own views on how our history has shaped us.
Topics include:
Unit 1 - The growth of parliamentary democracy c1785–c1870
Unit 2 - Industrialisation, protest and trade unionism c1785–c1870
Unit 3 - Poverty and pauperism; the abolition of the slave trade
Unit 4 - The unification of Germany 1: c1840–51
Unit 5 - The unification of Germany 2: c1852–71
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Suitability - Who should attend?
What do I need to know?
A GCSE or equivalent in History is recommended for this course.
Outcome / Qualification etc.
GCE AS Level or equivalent