Professional Training

Presentation Skills for the Petroleum Industry – PSPI

PetroSkills, In Houston
3 days
3 days

Course description

Presentation Skills for the Petroleum Industry – PSPI

One of the prime requisites for oil and gas professionals is to be able to deliver presentations in as clear, concise, and well-designed a way as possible. Some industry technical professionals are naturally gifted designer/speaker/presenters, others are not. However, with the proper training and practice any oil and gas professional can learn to make a convincing and persuasive presentation, and do so in a confident, assured, comfortable, and relaxed manner. This course is for individuals who are required, as part of their jobs, to deliver presentations in-house or in public, and who wish to perfect the art and craft of dynamic presentation-making in order to do so. Participants will participate in a full array of hands-on class exercises to improve presentation-making skills, vocal techniques, social interaction skills, visual aid preparation, etc. Attendees will deliver two presentations in class, both of which will be videotaped to measure improvement, and will discuss their performances in one-on-one private conversations with the instructor at the end of the course. Participants' progress will also be charted to quantifiably show areas in which actual improvement has taken place.

"By far, the best course I've taken in my three year career. Entertaining, engaging, and useful material for now and for the future. Tips and feedback were very personalized and much appreciated." - Safety Specialist, United States

"Fun, practical." - HM Reservoir Engineer

Suitability - Who should attend?

Industry personnel who wish to acquire the skills and techniques needed to design and deliver technical material clearly, confidently, and convincingly either face-to face or online.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

How to:

  • Design and deliver a presentation both in person and on-line
  • Keep an audience engaged through use of various delivery methods
  • Appropriately use technology and visual aids
  • Speak confidently in front of groups

Training Course Content

  • Communication and the role it plays in presentation-making
  • Overcoming fears
  • The similarities and differences between face-to-face and on-line presentations
  • The four fundamental basics to effective presentation-making Presence/demeanor/appearance: posture, movement, and physical comfort
  • Delivery: the voice, gestures/facial expressions, skill in using silence, rhythm, and language
  • Production: flow/rhythm, skill in using visual aids/technology, skill in using time, skill in listening/observing/questioning, skill in using the venue, connectivity, eye contact, knowledge of audience, and skill in handling audience/situation
  • Construction and organization: design (presentation), design (PowerPoint slides/other visuals), and integration (presentation with visuals)