Listing moocs on the CV - Forum

03/06/2015 10:38   Courtney
Hi! I am considering doing a massive open online course in management to boost my chances at moving up. What is the etiquette for listing MOOCs or other online courses on a CV?

RE: Listing moocs on the CV
03/09/2015 18:59   Findcourses Team

Hi Courtney,

That's a great question. From what I've read, there are several ways people are listing MOOCs on their CV these days. The most important thing to consider when listing MOOCs is that they are relevant to the position you're applying for. As skill and accomplishment-based CVs become more popular, it could also be nice to list off the skills that you gained in the course and perhaps describe a specific example of how these skills helped you in your current position.

Depending on what type of MOOC you took, you might list it under the education section of your CV, but perhaps underneath your university degree if you have one.

If it fits your CV, you might list the MOOC under your skills section. For instance, if you took a MOOC in Search Engine Optimisation, you could list the course name in parentheses after SEO in your skills section. This could invite questions in your job interview, and a chance for you to explain how you go above and beyond to bring new skills to the table.

Best of luck, and if you have any specific details, feel free to get in touch with the findcourses team at 

All the best,

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