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Displaying 21-40 of 239 results

Frequently asked questions

  • Search online for top-rated culinary schools and courses. Read reviews and recommendations from past students to assess the quality and value of different options. Check out cooking blogs and foodie websites for tips and suggestions on the best classes to take. 

  • Cookery class costs vary widely depending on the level and type of course, as well as the location and duration. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from £50 to £500 or more for a single class or course. Some providers might run discounts and deals.

  • Cookery classes cater to all levels of experience and interest. From basic skills classes to advanced courses, one-off workshops to full-time professional courses. There are also specialty classes available for children, vegans, and other specific dietary requirements.

  • Short courses range from a few hours to a day or two, while professional courses can last for several months or longer. Online classes and workshops with flexible scheduling are also available.

  • Some basic skills classes require no previous experience, while more advanced courses may require prior training or qualifications. Check with the course provider for specific entry requirements and recommendations.

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