Courses in Newcastle, United Kingdom

“Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.”

Newcastle is the central city within the Tyneside group of cities and is the 7th most populated city in the United Kingdom. Important economies in Newcastle include financial services, digital technologies, retail, training and research, creative industry, hospitality and tourism.
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  • = This course results in CPD hours
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The city of Newcastle is a significant contributor to the productivity of the UK and drives its economic potential. Newcastle Upon on Tyne provides employment opportunities to approximately 200 000 people. Office, retail and the service industries are the region's most profitable economies. The city generates a quarter of the LEP area's Gross Value Added (GVA). Newcastle is home to one of the country's largest financial and business service centres. Education is responsive and includes major colleges and private sector training in professional development, making it an ideal location for undertaking a professional course in any of a number of related fields.

Why attend a professional development course in Newcastle

In 2012 it was decided that the revenue generated by business rates in Newcastle upon Tyne and Gateshead councils would be used to initiate a £92 million investment which would create 600 construction jobs and 1,500 permanent jobs within five years. Over the next 25 years this strategy will create 13,000 jobs over 25 years.

Newscastle is home to a variety of educational and training institutions including two universities, namely Newcastle University and Northumbria University and has a solid base of training providers and organisers of professional development courses. The student population and candidates enroled in qualification programmes and R&D professionals  build on the city's reputation for high academic performance, training and educational opportunities in across the industry spectrum.

A broad range of professional development courses are available within the city of Newcastle Upon Tyne. Opting to complete a training course delivered by a local provider is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of this positive economic potential and capitalise on this expanding hub of employment and educational potential.

Explore career development opportunities in the region

The city is the commercial, cultural and educational hub of North Eastern England, making it the ideal location for training partnerships between young professionals and the region's many accredited educational and training institutions. As a major service and financial centre Newcastle is perfectly poised to offer a superior educational course for professional delegates that wish to further their studies in fields related to professional development in Newcastle.

A training and professional development course in this commercial, financial, educational and cultural centre of the UK, is an ideal opportunity to enhance the skill set of professional people living in the UK.

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