Professional Training

Certified Full-stack .NET developer

15 weeks
2,127 GBP
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
15 weeks
2,127 GBP
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
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Course description

The goal of the Full-stack .NET developer training program is to equip learners with the knowledge and skills required to become proficient in both front-end and back-end web development using the .NET stack. By the end of the program, learners should be capable of independently building complete web applications from start to finish.

For a Full-stack .NET developer training program, you will need a combination of
development tools and software to cover the various modules effectively. Here's a list ofessential tools you'll need for each module:

Frontend Development:

ASP.NET Core MVC: Used for building dynamic web applications on the server-side,handling HTTP requests, and generating HTML responses.

HTML/CSS/JavaScript: Fundamentals of web development for creating the structure,styling, and interactivity of web pages.

Razor: A markup syntax used with ASP.NET Core MVC for creating dynamic web pages.

Bootstrap: A popular CSS framework for building responsive and mobile-first websites.

jQuery: A fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library for simplifying client-side scripting.

Backend Development:
ASP.NET Web API: Framework for building HTTP services that reach a broad range ofclients, including browsers and mobile devices.

C#:The primary programming language for .NET development, used for backend logic andbusiness logic implementation.

Entity Framework Core:An Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for .NET,simplifying database operations and data access.

LINQ (Language Integrated Query): Provides querying capabilities against collections,databases, and other data sources directly from C# code.

SQL Server/SQLite:Relational database management systems commonly used with .NETapplications for data storage.

Entity Framework Core:Used for database operations such as creating, reading, updating,and deleting data entities without writing SQL queries explicitly.

Development Tools:
Visual Studio: Integrated development environment (IDE) for .NET development, offeringfeatures like code editing, debugging, and project management.

Visual Studio Code:A lightweight IDE with support for various programming languages,including C#, suitable for frontend development and lightweight backend tasks.

.NET CLI (Command-Line Interface):Command-line tools for creating, building, testing,and publishing .NET applications.

Git: Version control system for tracking changes in source code, collaborating with teammembers, and managing project versions.
NuGet:Package manager for .NET, used for installing and managing libraries anddependencies in .NET projects.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Start Anytime!

  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?

The Full-stack .NET Developer course is suitable for individuals interested in a career in both front-end and back-end web development using the .NET stack. This includes beginners in web development as well as programmers and developers looking to enhance their skills in .NET technologies. There are no special eligibility requirements, making the course accessible to a wide range of learners, from those new to programming to experienced developers wanting to expand their expertise in .NET development.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Upon successful completion of the course, with all assignments and tests passed, students will receive a certificate as a Certified Full-stack .NET Developer. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge required for qualified and independent work in web development, capable of building complete web applications using .NET technologies.

Training Course Content

Certainly! Here's a detailed overview of the content for your Full-stack .NET Developer course based on the information extracted from your PDF:

Certified Fullstack Developer .NET Course Content

MODULE 1: Introduction to .NET Framework
- Overview of .NET Framework
- Understanding Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- Introduction to .NET languages: C#
- Exploring .NET Framework Class Library (FCL)
- Setting up development environment: Visual Studio, .NET SDK
- Basic C# syntax and programming constructs
- Hands-on exercises and coding examples

MODULE 2: Frontend Development with ASP.NET Core MVC
- Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern
- Creating controllers, views, and models
- Routing and URL patterns
- Handling user input and form submissions
- Working with Razor syntax for dynamic content
- Using Bootstrap for responsive design
- Hands-on projects to build web applications

MODULE 3: Backend Development with ASP.NET Web API
- Understanding RESTful API principles
- Introduction to ASP.NET Web API
- Creating API controllers and routes
- Implementing CRUD operations
- Request and response formatting (JSON, XML)
- Authentication and authorization with JWT
- Error handling and logging
- Hands-on exercises to develop APIs

MODULE 4: Database Development with Entity Framework Core
- Introduction to Entity Framework Core (EF Core)
- Setting up database connections and contexts
- Creating and configuring database models
- Performing CRUD operations using EF Core
- Implementing data validation and relationships
- Querying data with LINQ
- Migrations and database schema management
- Hands-on projects integrating EF Core with ASP.NET applications

MODULE 5: Final Project
- Task Management System
- E-commerce Platform
- Blogging Platform
- Inventory Management System
- Fitness Tracker

Course Goals and Eligibility
To equip students with the skills to independently build complete web applications using the .NET stack.
Eligibility: No special requirements, open to all interested in web development.

This course provides a comprehensive learning path from fundamental concepts to advanced development techniques in .NET, ensuring students are well-prepared to tackle real-world projects.

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The fee for the professional training course Certified Full-stack .NET developer is 

2127 GBP (425 GBP /module). Or  2482 EURO (496/module). All fees include VAT.

Contact us for payment details.

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