Leisure / Fun Classes

Wood Furniture Design Workshop Sculpture

2 days
2 days
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Course description

Wood Furniture Design Workshop Sculpture

This two day 'hands on' workshop will explore a variety of effective construction techniques using easily available tools, materials and processes accessible by beginners, artists and crafts people alike. Focusing on designs such as the 'Crate' or 'Sedia' chairs, learn to make your very own piece of furniture.

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Outcome / Qualification etc.

No Qualification

Training Course Content

Instruction will be provided to complete at least one of several functional furniture items and will explore the highly inventive techniques in Enzo Mari's AutoProgettzione and Rietveld's crate series, which are adaptable to a myriad of personal projects for versatile, economic and sustainable constructions for art or design.

It is essential to wear old clothes and strong footwear.

Safe workshop practice will be covered.

The course will focus on working in planed timber and plywood.

Basic tools and material will be provided to complete one project.

Students can purchase extra if required for custom projects.

Course cost: £195

Course times: 10am–1pm & 2pm-4pm

Number of places available: 6

Tutor: Andrew Revell B.A. Fine Art, GlosCAT & WSCAD (Farnham Art College)

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