Professional Training

Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation Certification Program - Bronze Level

12.5 hours
12.5 hours
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Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation Certification Program - Bronze Level

The Kirkpatrick Bronze online program comprises 5 online sessions facilitated live by Kirkpatrick Certified Facilitators. Each session is 2 hours 30 mins.

During this program, you will learn the four levels, receive a downloadable participant manual filled with examples and templates that you may borrow and adapt to build your own Blended Evaluation Plan® tools, and gain a complete understanding of what each level measures. You will also explore the reasons why evaluation is critical to training success and hear case studies and success stories from companies that have used the model effectively. You will learn tactics to help you to allocate training resources effectively. A focus of this program is the exploration of how to ensure that what is learned transfers to on-the job behaviuors. You will learn why training alone is not enough and receive guidance to ensure that what you teach actually gets used on the job.

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Outcome / Qualification etc.

Certificate of completion and Kirkpatrick bronze level certification credential

Training Course Content

  • Pre-work article
  • Interaction throughout the seminar
  • Workbook including templates, tools and examples
  • Homework assignment
  • Grading and personalized feedback on individual training evaluation plan
  • Certificate of completion and Kirkpatrick bronze level certification credential
  • Virtual badge that you can use to advertise your new credential
  • The right to add “Kirkpatrick” to your skills/expertise on your LinkedIn profile
  • Four weeks of follow-up via email

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