Leisure / Fun Classes

NEW Sculpture / Site Specific Art

12 weeks
12 weeks
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Course description

NEW Sculpture / Site Specific Art

Explore a wide range of contemporary techniques and create both temporary installations, interventions and more durable sculptural objects. You will work with a wide range of non-traditional sculptural materials and experiment with innovative combinations of mediums across a range of scales, with a consideration for the display or installation of the work. You will learn to be innovative and create sculptural works with diverse materials including cardboard, paper, recycled materials, found organic and manmade objects, paint, fabric, thread and other mediums. The course is project based with a new subject each term and includes a gallery or off-site visit to gather material.

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Suitability - Who should attend?

Suitable for all levels, of particular interest to those wanting to push their creativity a bit further and to have space and time to experiment with support and direction from your tutor. Would, also suit those wishing to build up a portfolio to apply for accredited art courses.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

What will I achieve? You will develop your skills at creating experimental sculptural objects and site- specific works, learning to interrogate and work with non-traditional materials inspired by contemporary artists working with these mediums. In addition to creating a range of works across sizes, mediums and in a variety of locations, you will look at how to document your work well. You will compile a rich sketch book of research, design and planing material.

Course delivery details

Materials Required:

What to bring to the first session: Bring sketch book and drawing materials (pencils will be fine), glue stick, scissors, craft knife,some pieces of cardboard from packaging materials or cardboard box approx A3 size. Most of your materials can be bought in the school shop but you will be given a list of materials needed when you join the course.

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