Vocational & College Courses

First Certificate in Health and Social Care - Level 2

1 hour
113 GBP
1 hour
113 GBP
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Course description

First Certificate in Health and Social Care - Level 2:


This course will prepare you for work in health and social care by focusing on practical, work-related skills which you develop by completing projects that are based on realistic workplace situations. You'll have the opportunity to carry out work experience in a variety of health and social care settings. You'll have the chance to hear from professionals - like midwives and nurses - who are already working succesfully in this area. They'll talk to you about their career path, the sorts of skills and behaviours you should demonstrate and what opportunities there are for people prepared to work.

Units include:

Biology and nutrition
Equal opportunities
Health and safety
Practical caring skills


Continuous assessment by portfolio building and workplace observation to look at your practical skills. There are two external assessments.

Next Steps

You can progress to a Level 3 course for better job prospects or take up an apprenticeship.

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Outcome / Qualification etc.

First Certificate/Diploma


Continuous assessment by portfolio building and workplace observation to look at your practical skills. There are two external assessments.

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