Corporate Training for Teams
5.0 (5 Reviews)

Development Plus Senior leadership for women

The Springboard Consultancy, Online (+1 locations)
6-9 months
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online, In Company
6-9 months
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online, In Company
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Course description

Development Plus Senior leadership for women

Development Plus is an innovative and specialised course, for both personal and work development, tailored for female leaders so they can overcome the invisible barriers that can prevent them from rising to senior positions in their organisations.

Written specifically for women by women, it was originally commissioned by the UK Home Office. It provides women with the skills, knowledge, support, ideas and determination to continue up the ladder.

The course recognises the realities of senior women’s lives and is tailored to the culture and needs of the client organisation and its senior women.

The Development Plus course will allow your organisation to:

  • Capitalise on your own in-house talent, thus reducing senior recruitment costs
  • Build a sustainable and diverse talent pipeline whilst taking positive action to counterbalance the lack of women at very senior levels.
  • Support a global community of women committed to their development and advancement.

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  • In Company
  • Worldwide
  • English

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  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online

Suitability - Who should attend?

Development Plus is designed for women aspiring to reach the top of their organisations, or senior management levels, or senior Civil Service roles currently dominated by men.

Women approaching promotion ‘assessment centres’.

Training Course Content

What does the programme consist of?

Delivered over a period of a several months, and accommodating pressing work requirements, Development Plus consists of:

•    intensely practical one and two-day modules spread over six to nine months

•    one-to-one coaching

•    a tastefully produced folder containing specifically tailored course materials

•    specialist input from more senior managers in the organisation

•    individually tailored assignments running between the modules

Why choose The Springboard Consultancy

255623 people trained 

1592 trainers lincesed

300 plus certified trainers 


Average rating 5

Based on 5 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
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12 May 2020

A thought provoking and challenging experience, which made me realise once you reach the Senior Civil Service you need to prepare to step up to the mark and lead the way.

12 May 2020

My coaching session was, by far, the most valuable one-to-one session I have had in the workplace over the last 5 years.

12 May 2020

I found the course stimulating and helpful; it provided me with both practical tools and some conceptual models to help my development. The access to coaching was a really helpf...

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