Dealing with Difficult People - Courses and Training

Make it easier to deal with difficult people

Courses in dealing with difficult people can be useful in giving professionals confidence when dealing with these situations. Courses can be residential, one day or taken in-house, or if more practical there are online or distance learning opportunities.
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  • = This course results in CPD hours
  • = Beginner level
Displaying 1-20 of 105 results

Who Has to Deal with Difficult People

Dealing with difficult people is not pleasant. The instinctive response is either to confront or walk away from the situation, leading to feelings of anger or frustration. Many professions including the police, the public sector, retail and many others require managers and employees to deal sensitively with difficult people on a regular basis.

Even professionals with people management responsibilities can lack confidence in addressing difficult situations and dealing with difficult personalities. They need support and training through courses in dealing with difficult people in order to counter problem people at work, whether they are colleagues or the public. Professionals might have to deal with aggression, bullying, complainers and managers or employees that are unable to perform their roles adequately or are simply inflexible.

Courses in Dealing with Difficult People Can Help

Training courses can be useful in giving professionals confidence when dealing with difficult people. Many appropriate courses are available and with some research one can be found to meet a company's needs and help support either individuals or groups. Courses can be delivered as public events or arranged for in-house training. If more flexibility is required, many providers can arrange online or distance learning opportunities.

Courses in dealing with difficult people will take different formats but usually have similar themes. There will be a review of the types of situations that arise and participants can share their own experiences. Providers will explain the possible background to confrontational or difficult behaviour, followed by the development of key skills encouraging composure and the de-escalation of problems.

Attendees will be encouraged to take part in role play or other forms of acting, developing confidence in dealing with difficult people and situations in a non-threatening setting where mistakes can be made. All types of courses will aim to develop better methods of communication, which is the biggest tool professionals will have when dealing with problems.

Practical Techniques for Handling Difficult People

When helping participants develop communication skills trainers will support delegates in examining the role of such things as choice of vocabulary, eye contact and body language can have when dealing with situations. They will practise staying calm, develop their listening skills and the importance of verbally acknowledging how the difficult person is feeling and why.

No one likes to feel uncomfortable as they undertake their work but in some situations it is inevitable. Clients or colleagues have their own frustrations or worries which lead them to behave negatively. Providing courses in dealing with difficult people and support as a part of ongoing professional development gives staff and workers confidence in dealing with difficult people safely and constructively.

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