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Frequently asked questions

  • Sales training is the process of teaching individuals and teams the skills and techniques required to effectively sell products or services.

  • A sales training programme covers a range of topics, typically including communication skills, product knowledge, objection handling, and negotiation.

  • Sales training effectiveness can be measured through various methods such as analysing sales data, conducting surveys or quizzes to assess knowledge retention, observing sales behaviour, and assessing the impact on sales revenue. Regular evaluation and feedback can help identify areas for improvement and ensure the training is achieving its objectives.

  • Sales training is important because it helps sales professionals develop the skills they need to be successful. It can improve their ability to prospect, build relationships, communicate effectively, negotiate, and close deals. Effective sales training can  lead to increased confidence, motivation, and job satisfaction, which can result in higher sales performance and revenue for the company.

  • Sales training costs in the UK vary based on course type, duration, and provider. On average, a one-day course costs several hundred pounds per person, while longer programmes can cost several thousand pounds. It's crucial to assess the potential return on investment to determine the appropriate investment.

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