Professional Training Courses in Kuala Lumpur

Courses Delivered in Kuala Lumpur by International Training Providers

Kuala Lumpur  is a dynamic business centre and a perfect location to attend professional development courses. Training options are delivered at all study paces and modes by qualified professional trainers.
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  • = This course results in CPD hours
  • = Top 10 Course
  • = Advanced level
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More about Professional Training Courses in Kuala Lumpur

Although the federal centre was since moved to Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur remains an important economic and business hub in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur is in fact rated as an alpha world city and according to the Globalisation and World Cities Study Group and Network, is the only global city in Malaysia. Tourism also plays an important role in this city's service-driven economy.

What business development opportunities are available in Kuala Lumpur?

With all this, players in the industry therefore have to stay a step ahead in terms of credentials and training. Apart from basic training, there are various professional development courses in Kuala Lumpur training institutions. These courses are taken over and above basic courses that lead to academic credentials like certificates, diplomas and degrees. They equip learners to become team leaders in their respective fields.

Explore your training opportunities with courses in Kuala Lumpur

One popular choice among professionals who wish to develop in their current career is leadership training. These are short courses that are offered to professionals with a certain level of academic certification and experience. The courses are usually tailored to equip qualified, experienced professionals for supervisory and managerial positions.

Other popular professional development courses in Kuala Lumpur are those that train staff on writing and presentation skills to make them more effective communicators in their place of work. They also offer courses to do with public speaking to improve communication across the different levels of staff in companies.

How can your career be supported by a professional course in Kuala Lumpur?

There are also courses that are tailored for the professional development of professionals in specific fields. One example are course covering the principles and processes of arriving at decisions as managers at different levels. Participants are equipped with tools to do with servant-leadership to increase their effectiveness in the workplace. Such courses in Kuala Lumpur are typically short, running over a few days. Open courses are typically taught through instructions combined with exercises that are team based. Participants are challenged to process thoughts and ideas in ordered, effective steps and to learn to always apply this thought process when they get back to their workplace.

Professional Qualification Training in Kuala Lumpur

Government institutions also offer professional development courses in Kuala Lumpur across various fields. Specialised training providers can delivered customised training programmes, to suit specific technical training needs. The university offers courses in aviation, information technology, product design, medical technology, automotive technology, HVAC and refrigerating and technological management to name a few courses. At the end of the course, the participants are awarded with professional certificates. This include Certified Master Craftsman Program, Certified Master Trainer Programme and the Logistic Professional Qualification Examination (PQE Logistic) certificate. Others are the Chargemen A1 and Chargemen A4 certificates.

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