Professional Training

Be a Better Leader With Emotional Intelligence (Advanced)

Action and Theory, In London (+1 locations)
2.5-3 hours
1,895 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Classroom, Self-Paced Online
2.5-3 hours
1,895 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Classroom, Self-Paced Online
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Course description

Action and Theory Ltd Course Banner Image

With over 10 years of experience of working with Emotional Intelligence and partnering with some of the biggest brands in the world, Action and Theory are the right partner for you to explore and develop your emotional intelligence using our scientifically validated instrument to quantify your personal level of Emotional Intelligence, and the change techniques to develop it.

Processing emotion is a non-conscious event. Emotions constitute a field of specific information that we sense and decode using the ancient instinctual languages of facial expression, body posture, and the whole realm of nonverbal language.

Emotional Intelligence skills integrate an understanding of internal states that are congruent with external expression and conveyed with dignity and respect for the appropriateness of any situation.

This advanced level service, which is a highly personal and interactive one-to-one experience, will give you the opportunity to explore your own Emotional Intelligence profile using the scientifically validated tool. Your Emotional Intelligence Practitioner will support you in understanding what areas of strength you have and enable you to identify your own personal development opportunities. This intervention is delivered an initial session lasting 2½ -3 hours, and with two further developmental support sessions of 1½ -2 hours.

For more in-depth Leadership Development, we recommend you talk with us about a bespoke leadership development coaching package.

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 2 start dates

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  • Classroom
  • London

Start anytime

  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online

Suitability - Who should attend?

Admission Requirements

This intervention is best suited for those who have the capacity to be:

  • Open to Change
  • Willing to experiment with ideas
  • Able to reflect and acknowledge mistakes
  • Willing to listen to what others say with a sense of inquisitiveness and humility
  • Open to learning
  • Focused on the future rather than the past
  • Able to adapt a style to the requirements of the situation

Target Audience

Directors, Executives & Senior Leders ie Business Unit Head, Country Head, Regional Head

Training Course Content

  • What is Emoional Intelligence
  • How is Emotional Intelligence quantified
  • What is your Emotional Intelligence
  • Unpacking your Self-Perception EQ-i
  • Unpacking your Self-Expression EQ-i
  • Unpacking you Interpersonal EQ-i
  • Unpacking your Decision Making EQ-i
  • Unpacking your Stress Management EQ-i
  • Deep Dive into 3 sub-components of your Emotional Intelligence over three sessions
  • Create your Action Plan to be a better leader with Emotional Intelligence


Course fee: £1895 + VAT

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