Corporate Training for Teams

The Female Voice in the Boardroom - Mastering Presentations With Confidence

Action and Theory, In Worldwide
9 months
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9 months
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Course description

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Research published in the Wealthier Report, in 2021 evidenced that 28% of women in UK say they have low self-esteem compared to only 9% men. This intervention provides the necessary tools and techniques to excel in presenting with confidence.

"The Female Voice in the Boardroom: Mastering Presentations with Confidence" is an intervention designed for senior women leaders who regularly give presentations in large corporate organisations. This workshop focuses on enhancing the participants' presence, confidence, and message clarity to deliver compelling presentations in boardroom settings. Over the course of nine 2-hour modules, participants will engage in interactive activities, discussions, and practice sessions to overcome self-doubt, manage self-critical thoughts, and craft impactful messages.

*Please note that this is an indicative intervention and will be tailored to your specific needs.

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  • In Company
  • Worldwide

Suitability - Who should attend?

Target Audience

Senior Managers, VP’s, Directors

Admission Requirements

This intervention is best suited for those who have the capacity to be:

  • Open to Change
  • Willing to experiment with ideas
  • Able to reflect and acknowledge mistakes
  • Willing to listen to what others say with a sense of inquisitiveness and humility
  • Open to learning
  • Focused on the future rather than the past
  • Able to adapt a style to the requirements of the situation

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Learning Objectives

  • Banish Self Doubt: Develop strategies to overcome self-doubt and cultivate self-confidence in delivering presentations.
  • Quieten Your Inner Voice and Win Her Over: Learn techniques to manage self-critical thoughts, harness inner strength, and effectively influence the audience.
  • Declutter Your Message: Refine presentation skills to deliver clear, concise, and impactful messages in the boardroom.

*Please note that this is an indicative intervention and will be tailored to your specific needs.

Workshop Learning Outcomes

By the end of the intervention, participants will be able to:

  • Overcome self-doubt and deliver presentations with confidence.
  • Manage self-critical thoughts and harness inner strength in high-pressure situations.
  • Deliver clear, concise, and impactful messages in boardroom presentations.
  • Challenge and transform limiting beliefs about public speaking.
  • Create an action plan for continuous growth and improvement in presenting skills.

Training Course Content

Module 1: Enhancing Your Presence

  • Understanding the importance of executive presence in boardroom presentations
  • Leveraging body language and vocal delivery for impactful communication
  • Developing a personal brand and authentic presentation style

Module 2: Reframing Confidence

  • Identifying and challenging self-limiting beliefs and self-doubt
  • Cultivating self-compassion and harnessing inner strength
  • Building confidence through practice and positive self-talk

Module 3: Changing Your Beliefs

  • Examining and shifting limiting beliefs about public speaking
  • Cultivating a growth mindset and embracing learning opportunities
  • Addressing gender biases and stereotypes in presentations

Module 4: Banish Self Doubt

  • Strategies to overcome self-doubt and performance anxiety
  • Building resilience and managing nervousness in high-pressure situations
  • Using visualisation and affirmations to boost confidence

Module 5: Quieten Your Inner Voice and Win Her Over

  • Managing self-critical thoughts and negative self-talk
  • Building rapport and connecting with the audience
  • Influencing and persuading stakeholders through effective communication

Module 6: Declutter Your Message

  • Structuring presentations for clarity and impact
  • Simplifying complex information and conveying key messages effectively
  • Utilising storytelling techniques to engage and inspire the audience

Module 7: Enhancing Your Presence (Continued)

  • Advanced techniques for commanding attention and projecting confidence
  • Managing challenging audience dynamics and maintaining composure
  • Incorporating visual aids and technology effectively in presentations

Module 8: Reframing Confidence (Continued)

  • Leveraging emotional intelligence in presentations
  • Overcoming perfectionism and fear of judgment
  • Handling questions, objections, and feedback with confidence

Module 9: Changing Your Beliefs (Continued)

  • Creating a supportive network and seeking constructive feedback
  • Building a culture of inclusivity and gender diversity in presentations
  • Developing a personalised action plan for ongoing growth and improvement

*Please note that this is an indicative intervention and will be tailored to your specific needs.

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