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5.0 (1 Reviews)

Understanding Building Conservation - Online

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Course description

Understanding Building Conservation - Online

With over 6 million traditional buildings and over 500,000 listed monuments in the UK, there is a considerable need for building professionals to understand the nature and practicalities of conservation. For this reason, we have developed a course looking at conservation for both residential and commercial property as well as historic monuments.

In accordance with the ICOMOS (International Council On Monuments and Sites) Training and Education Guideline and the latest British Standard on conservation of historic buildings (BS 7913: 2013) the course will introduce the philosophy behind conservation before going into detail regarding the technical analysis of buildings, ensembles and sites, diagnosing issues, identifying the best building conservation solutions, working with the various stakeholders, and ultimately providing advice regarding best practice.

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Suitability - Who should attend?

The course is open to anyone who works with traditional buildings. The course is also an integral part of the CIOB Conservation Certification scheme which requires all those applying for Certification to successfully complete this course unless they have an approved qualification in the subject. The course however is stand alone and those participating need not be CIOB members or have an interest in the CIOB Conservation Certification scheme. It is an ideal grounding to all those new to conservation and seeking to improve results for clients on conservation projects.

Once you have complete this course or you think you have already got a good grounding in conservation, you may be interested in attending our related course on project management and supervision of historic buildings.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of attainment andbe able to:

  • Read a building or site and its different types of significance values and understand how these values are assessed and used.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of historical development, and types of construction technology in order to conduct research, interpret results and produce plans for conservation
  • Interpret the setting of buildings and sites and define what this means in the development of projects and every day care.
  • Identify and absorb all available sources of information relevant to the building or site being studied
  • Analyse the behaviour of buildings and sites as complex systems
  • Diagnose intrinsic and extrinsic causes of decay as a basis for appropriate action
  • Demonstrate Inspection best practice and make intelligible reports
  • Apply UNESCO conventions and recommendations, ICOMOS and other recognized Charters, regulations and guidelines such as BS 7913: 2013.
  • Make balanced judgments based on shared ethical principles, and accept responsibility for the long term welfare of cultural heritage
  • Recognize when advice must be sought and define the areas of need of study by different specialists, e.g. wall paintings, sculptures, and objects of artistic and cultural value, and/or studies of materials and systems
  • Advise on optimum maintenance strategies and management policies for the care of historic sites
  • Work in multi-disciplinary groups including inhabitants, administrators and planners to resolve conflicts and to develop conservation strategies appropriate to local needs, abilities and resources

Training Course Content


  • Chronology of building types and architecture, materials and construction, introduction to building conservation and the competencies required, and the roles and responsibilities in building conservation

Significance and Philosophy

  • History of conservation, international charters, guidance and standards, significance and its assessment, heritage management, conservation strategy, listed buildings and scheduled monuments, and building regulations and standard

Technical Analysis

  • Breathability and moisture movement, building pathology and condition surveys, and building and thermal performance

Making Decisions – Considering Technical and Significance Issues

  • Balancing technical and significance issues, significance values, data and information from building pathology, ‘conservation policies’ from conservation management plans


  • Adaptations and extensions, repair, energy efficiency improvements, building maintenance

Specifying and Managing

  • Types of specifications, contracts and procurement, management and supervision including quality management

Course delivery details

An online classroom with live tutor and interactions.

Why choose Chartered Institute of Building

The world's largest and most influential professional body for construction management and leadership.

Founded in 1834

Our professional and vocational qualifications are a mark of the highest levels of competence and professionalism


Average rating 5

Based on 1 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
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28 Apr 2021

Professor John Edwards delivers this course in a relaxed manner. A fountain of knowledge, he is able to simply explain an extremely complex subject.
Fascinating 48 hours.


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Course Price: £ 395+VAT

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