Professional Training
5.0 (1 Reviews)


Global Business Advisors, In London (+6 locations)
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Course description


IFRS 16, also known as the International Financial Reporting Standard 16, is a global accounting standard developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) that governs the accounting treatment of leases. This specialized course is designed to provide finance professionals, accountants, auditors, and business leaders with a comprehensive understanding of IFRS 16 and its implications for lease accounting.

Throughout the course, participants will delve into key topics related to IFRS 16, including the scope and objectives of the standard, the classification and recognition of leases, measurement of lease lia. 

Additionally, the course explores the measurement of lease liabilities and right-of-use assets, including initial recognition, subsequent measurement, and reassessment requirements. Participants will gain insights into how to calculate lease payments, discount lease liabilities, and recognize lease assets based on the present value of future lease payments.

Overall, the IFRS 16 course empowers participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, interpret, and apply IFRS 16 effectively in lease accounting. By mastering these essential concepts and techniques, participants can enhance their ability to comply with global accounting standards, accurately report lease-related transactions, and make informed financial decisions based on transparent and reliable financial information.

Upcoming start dates

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  • Classroom
  • Amsterdam

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  • Brussels

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  • Dubai

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  • Istanbul

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  • London

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  • Paris

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  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

Why choose Global Business Advisors

Courses delivered across the UKEurope, Asia, North America, and the Middle East

We design the module and engage in learning experiences anytime, whether it is local or global facilitation you need.

Experienced and highly qualified trainers provide a distinctive learning experience customized to your needs.


Average rating 5

Based on 1 reviews.
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10 Jun 2024

It was an an exciting and interactive session


The course fee begins at $4,250 and varies by classroom location. For specific pricing, please contact the provider.

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