Professional Training
4.9 (8 Reviews)

International Oil Trader Academy: Virtual

ICE Education, Online
10 days
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Course description

International Oil Trader Academy - Winter School

ICE Education and partners have combined their expertise to provide an innovative and practical programme covering all aspects of the physical crude oil, products and traded derivatives market through our market leading Oil Trader Academy.

With the global oil markets being subject to extreme volatility and change due to a series of geopolitical events, this is the ideal time and opportunity to understand the drivers of oil price movements and tools at your disposal to protect against and trade around your organisations market position.

Suitability - Who should attend?

This programme will appeal to: oil and product traders, refiners, economists, analysts portfolio managers, risk managers, operations managers, brokers and other related front, middle and back office staff.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

As an outcome from the full programme you will:

  • Review crude oil supply, demand and products
  • Understand crude oil refining, evaluation and selection
  • Explore physical and derivative oil markets, shipping and contracts
  • Appreciate pricing formation, trading and price risk management
  • Learn about futures, swaps, options and over- the-counter markets
  • Become familiar with trading techniques and terminology
  • Participate in trading and hedging simulation exercises and improve negotiation skills

Training Course Content

  • Module 1: Physical Crude & Products Trading
  • Module 2: Trading Simulation and Managing Price Risk


Average rating 4.9

Based on 8 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
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29 Apr 2021

The structure of each lesson was well crafted to delivery as much information as was possible without overwhelming the group. The length of the sessions were shorter than expect...

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29 Apr 2021

Our trainers were extremely knowledgeable and interacted with us constantly. They were engaging and patient with us each day, quick to answer any questions we had.

29 Apr 2021

The session very much met my requirements and exceeded expectations. This is thanks to the excellent trainers/instructors and administrative team guiding us along the course.

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