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Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting (with Tutor Support)

3 months
774 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Virtual Classroom
3 months
774 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Virtual Classroom
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Course description

Are you new to the interpreting industry and would like some guidance and help from a tutor to achieve a formal qualification, as well as a mock exam to test your skills?

Then the Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting Exam is perfect for you!

Once you have passed the application process, the course has a 14 day money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied – another reason to sign up today and begin your new career.

Where do you start if you want to be an interpreter?

Although there is no set ‘interpreter development pathway’ as such, the natural progression tends to be that an interpreter would start by interpreting in the community and after 6-18 months of experience, they would move on to applying for a Level 6 Diploma, as this is necessary for work within public services.

You can choose to go straight to the Level 6; however, we always recommend starting with the Level 3 as it enables you to really grow your knowledge and your confidence before attempting to work in the highly pressurised environments of public services.

What does the Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting look like?

The Level 3 is an exam-based qualification. The exam is based on a role play, commonly within a medical or mental health setting.

The easiest way to describe it is if you imagine that you are attending an appointment at your local GP. You would have an English speaker, who would be the doctor, and a non-English speaker, who would be the patient. Your role as the interpreter is to help them understand each other through consecutive interpreting.

Consecutive interpreting is a method of interpreting where one speaker speaks, then pauses to allow the interpreter to interpret the speech. Then, the second speaker speaks and pauses to enable the interpreter to interpret the speech back to the first speaker.

During the exam, you will also be asked to perform a sight translation. Going back to our scenario above, imagine that a doctor passes you a leaflet written in English and asks you to explain to the non-English speaker what the piece of paper says. During the exam, you are given a few minutes to read through the document, look up in a dictionary any words you might be unfamiliar with, and then you deliver the speech. In other words this is a written-to-oral rendition, which means that you are not required to do any written translation.

Is the Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting difficult?

Yes and no. What do we mean? Well, you do have to speak both languages fluently and you do have to understand the context of what is being said. Having said that, the exam isn’t there to trick you – the terminology used is a true reflection of what you can commonly expect at these types of appointments. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that you would need three years’ worth of medical training to be a community interpreter – not at all. Equally, if you do come across the word that you are not familiar with, you are always permitted to ask for clarification, as you would do in a normal interpreting assignment.

Having said all that, it is absolutely essential that on top of being bilingual, you are also aware of the skills, techniques, ethical considerations, code of conduct, preparation techniques, ways of overcoming obstacles and so on and so forth, which all form part of the theoretical training for community interpreting.

You may be the best linguist out there, but if you are interpreting in the wrong person, if there are omissions and additions, if you intervene in an inappropriate way, etc.,  you will not be successful in the exam. So, although the exam may not be difficult as such, it should also not be underestimated.

How can I prepare for the Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting?

With our tutor-led course, we provide you with 5 E-learning modules on all of the theoretical aspects of community interpreting, including the skills you need to master and the techniques you will be tested on.

We also give you free access to our CPD library to help you become familiar with the types of terminology used in the appointments that you will be attending as a Level 3 qualified interpreter. We facilitate 1-2-1 tutorials with our experienced tutors who will be happy to answer any questions you have, and we also enable you to have a mock exam – basically a ‘dry run’ under exam conditions, where you can test yourself and get feedback on your performance ahead of your real exam.

What happens after the Level 3 exam?

Once you have taken the exam, the assessor will mark it and you will receive your results within six weeks. If you’ve passed both units, you will receive a certificate which you can proudly take to agencies who will be happy to onboard you and start offering you assignments.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Enquire for more information

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

Suitability - Who should attend?

The Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting is suitable for learners with the following profile:

  • Interpreters already working in a community interpreter role and now require a Level 3 interpreting qualification
  • Experienced interpreters who now require a formal qualification to work on public sector assignments
  • Linguists who are new to the industry and would prefer to get some tutoring before taking the exam.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

ICQ (I Can Qualify)

Training Course Content

  • The Level 3 Interpreting exam is an online assessment which you sit from the comfort of your own home
  • Nationally recognised Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting qualification for your chosen language
  • Fee of £25 for registration and £60 for certification claim applicable.
  • This Level 3 assessment is suitable for bilingual/multilingual people who speak English and another language fluently and feel they have enough interpreting experience and/or have completed relevant preparatory training. The online Level 3 assessment is a remote exam-only qualification. It is designed to demonstrate competence as an interpreter.
  • You will have access to a set of online materials to help you prepare independently.
  • You will also have regular sessions with a tutor who can answer any questions about the course or interpreting in general.
  • Finally, you will take part in a mock exam and obtain feedback on your performance.
  • For those who prefer to study independently, we offer theLevel 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting (exam only)

Course delivery details


You have a maximum of  6 months from the date of purchase to sit the Level 3 interpreting exam. The preparation course and mock exam sections will take roughly 12 weeks to complete.

Method of Assessment Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting

Learners will take an online exam consisting of Unit 1 (role play) and Unit 2 (sight translation from English to the target language). Exams are conducted remotely and take place once a month.

Why choose International School of Linguists Ltd

UK's leading provider of interpreting and translation training, qualifications, and CPD courses

50+ world languages covered

Exams are run monthly for all levels


Average rating 5

Based on 2 reviews.
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Bashir A.
27 Sep 2023
This course is a 'must'

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the relentless efforts with me, you are always there when I needed help because I have learnt a lot . Of course I expe...

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Kara F.
27 Sep 2023
Fantastic course

‘I have recently completed Community Interpreting Level 3. I wanted to thank you ISL team for absolutely fantastic and extremely informative course, your help and support.
My tu...

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Continuing Studies

The Level 3 interpreting qualification will enable you to work as a professional interpreter in community settings such as the following:

  • Health
  • Mental Health
  • Social Services
  • Education
  • Welfare & Benefits
  • Housing
  • Solicitors
  • Ministry of Justice (standard assignments)

Upon successful completion of Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting, you can progress to other qualifications such as:

  • Level 6 Diploma in Community Interpreting
  • Level 6 DPSI (Diploma in Public Service Interpreting)
  • Partial DPSI

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International School of Linguists Ltd
100 High Ash Drive
LS17 8RE Leeds West Yorkshire

International School of Linguists Ltd

The International School of Linguists is an accredited Training Centre with over a decade of experience in delivering remote interpreting and translation qualifications to linguists in the UK and abroad. All of our courses are Ofqual registered and accepted by...

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