Vocational & College Courses

Printing - Japanese Vinyl 3-Days

6 hours
6 hours
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Course description

Japanese vinyl for printmaking is similar to traditional linoleum. It is a smooth surface to draw upon and carve. It can be worked boldly and cut deeply, yet also holds a fine strong line. During this course, you will explore experimental carving and inking using Japanese vinyl to make a range of colourful and experimental prints. Handheld tools will be used to carve and print the blocks and professional inks will be used on strong Japanese paper.

During the first day, in the morning, the focus will be on broadening your range of mark-making at the carving and printing stage. You will explore quick and beautiful ways of developing half tones on the surface of the blocks.

In the afternoon, you will learn how to make multiple block prints. Using transparent extender, you will layer colours on top of each other to achieve beautiful effects.

During the second day, you will continue your carving experiments. In the afternoon, we will look at a way of floating multiple layers of colour on the same block, called viscosity printing. The transparent layers of colour will combine to make stunning effects.

On the third day, you will work with reduction printing. You will learn how to make a multi-coloured image with this technique that was popularised by Picasso. It’s a chance to enjoy making fluid marks and developing a care-free attitude to printmaking.

This course comprises 3 days on consecutive Thursdays.

Materials to bring

Linocut tools (if you have them)

  • Sketchbook or ideas/inspiration
  • Apron and clothes you don’t mind getting inky
  • A plastic store card for printing with 
  • Pencil and eraser

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