Professional Training

Artificial Intelligence AI Essentials

London Training for Excellence, In London (+1 locations)
5 days
3,951 GBP
Next course start
12 August, 2024 (+2 start dates)
Course delivery
5 days
3,951 GBP
Next course start
12 August, 2024 (+2 start dates)
Course delivery
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Course description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as:

  • Perception
  • Reasoning
  • Learning
  • Decision making
  • Natural language processing.

AI can be applied in a wide range of fields, including healthcare, finance, education, transportation, and entertainment.

It has become an essential part of the technology industry. Research associated with artificial intelligence is highly technical and specialised. 

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 2 start dates

12 August, 2024

  • Classroom
  • London

18 November, 2024

  • Classroom
  • London

Suitability - Who should attend?

The course on Artificial Intelligence outlined above is suitable for anyone who wants to gain a basic understanding of AI, including its subfields, applications, and ethical considerations.

The course is especially useful for the following groups of individuals:

  • Business executives and managers who want to understand the potential of AI and how it can be leveraged to gain a competitive advantage in their industry.
  • IT professionals who want to learn the fundamentals of AI and how it can be integrated into their projects.
  • Data scientists and analysts who want to expand their knowledge and skills in AI and its subfields.
  • Anyone who is interested in learning about AI and its impact on society.

The course is designed for individuals with little or no prior knowledge of AI, but it can also serve as a refresher for those who have some familiarity with the topic.


Outcome / Qualification etc.

The course on Artificial Intelligence outlined above is suitable for anyone who wants to gain a basic understanding of AI, including its subfields, applications, and ethical considerations.

The course is especially useful for the following groups of individuals:

  • Business executives and managers who want to understand the potential of AI and how it can be leveraged to gain a competitive advantage in their industry.
  • IT professionals who want to learn the fundamentals of AI and how it can be integrated into their projects.
  • Data scientists and analysts who want to expand their knowledge and skills in AI and its subfields.
  • Anyone who is interested in learning about AI and its impact on society.

The course is designed for individuals with little or no prior knowledge of AI, but it can also serve as a refresher for those who have some familiarity with the topic.


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Our Customer Outreach Award is presented to trusted providers who are excellent at responding to enquiries, making your search quicker, more efficient and easier, too.

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London Training for Excellence
198-206 Acton Lane
NW10 7NH London

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