Professional Training

Employee Engagement and Retention

London Training for Excellence, In London (+2 locations)
5 days
3,951 GBP
Next course start
23 September, 2024 (+5 start dates)
Course delivery
5 days
3,951 GBP
Next course start
23 September, 2024 (+5 start dates)
Course delivery
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Course description

This advanced course provides participants with a comprehensive understanding and practical skills to engage and retain employees effectively. The course covers theoretical foundations, contemporary research, and best employee engagement and retention practices. Participants will learn to use innovative engagement strategies, manage employee expectations, develop and implement effective retention strategies, and create a supportive organisational culture that fosters employee loyalty.

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 5 start dates

23 September, 2024

  • Classroom
  • London

28 October, 2024

  • Classroom
  • Dubai

11 November, 2024

  • Classroom
  • London

9 December, 2024

  • Classroom
  • Amsterdam

16 December, 2024

  • Classroom
  • London

Suitability - Who should attend?

HR Professionals: HR managers, HR executives, HR generalists, and any HR professionals responsible for managing, engaging, and retaining employees.

Team Leaders/Managers: Individuals who lead or manage teams and are responsible for keeping their team members motivated, engaged, and satisfied in their jobs.

Organisational Development Specialists: Those designing and implementing strategies to improve organisational culture, employee engagement, and retention.

Business Owners: Small business owners or entrepreneurs who want to create a work environment that attracts, retains, and motivates top talent.

Executives and Senior Management: Those responsible for the organisation's overall strategy, including employee engagement and retention.

Training and Development Specialists: Professionals who design and implement training programs to improve employee skills, motivation, and job satisfaction.

Consultants and Coaches advise and guide organisations on improving employee engagement and retention.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

HR Professionals: HR managers, HR executives, HR generalists, and any HR professionals responsible for managing, engaging, and retaining employees.

Team Leaders/Managers: Individuals who lead or manage teams and are responsible for keeping their team members motivated, engaged, and satisfied in their jobs.

Organisational Development Specialists: Those designing and implementing strategies to improve organisational culture, employee engagement, and retention.

Business Owners: Small business owners or entrepreneurs who want to create a work environment that attracts, retains, and motivates top talent.

Executives and Senior Management: Those responsible for the organisation's overall strategy, including employee engagement and retention.

Training and Development Specialists: Professionals who design and implement training programs to improve employee skills, motivation, and job satisfaction.

Consultants and Coaches advise and guide organisations on improving employee engagement and retention.

Why choose London Training for Excellence

Over 400 bespoke courses are on offer in more than 30 locations worldwide

Over 75,000 hours of training

100% satisfaction guarantee

Customer Outreach Award


We believe that it should be easy for you to find and compare training courses. 

Our Customer Outreach Award is presented to trusted providers who are excellent at responding to enquiries, making your search quicker, more efficient and easier, too.

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London Training for Excellence
198-206 Acton Lane
NW10 7NH London

London Training for Excellence - A Leading International Training Provider 

London Training for Excellence (LondonTFE) offers over 400 training courses for business entities and individuals in more than 30 locations worldwide, including cities such as London, Paris, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Dubai and New York. LondonTFE provides courses designed to transform delegates'...

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