Professional Training

Solar Energy Fundamentals

London Training for Excellence, In London (+4 locations)
5 days
4,758 GBP
Next course start
1 July, 2024 (+3 start dates)
Course delivery
5 days
4,758 GBP
Next course start
1 July, 2024 (+3 start dates)
Course delivery
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Course description

Solar energy is recognized as the cleanest, most abundant form of energy we can use. Currently we experience a boom in solar energy related investments, both in mid and large scale. Both are consequences of the technological advances of the last decade that led to huge increases in utilization efficiency and the reduction of the cost of PV panels worldwide. This course explains solar energy principles, applications, research and the various solar energy technologies used.

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 3 start dates

1 July, 2024

  • Classroom
  • London

22 July, 2024

  • Classroom
  • Amsterdam

23 December, 2024

  • Classroom
  • Istanbul

Suitability - Who should attend?

This course is a great match for:

Chemists, chemical engineers, electrical engineers that need to understand solar energy and PV technology

Investors, management members that need to understand solar energy and PV technology in terms of investment opportunities

Academics, active citizens that need to learn the latest developments and future trends of solar energy and PV technology

Outcome / Qualification etc.

This course is a great match for:

Chemists, chemical engineers, electrical engineers that need to understand solar energy and PV technology

Investors, management members that need to understand solar energy and PV technology in terms of investment opportunities

Academics, active citizens that need to learn the latest developments and future trends of solar energy and PV technology

Why choose London Training for Excellence

Over 400 bespoke courses are on offer in more than 30 locations worldwide

Over 75,000 hours of training

100% satisfaction guarantee

Customer Outreach Award


We believe that it should be easy for you to find and compare training courses. 

Our Customer Outreach Award is presented to trusted providers who are excellent at responding to enquiries, making your search quicker, more efficient and easier, too.

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London Training for Excellence
198-206 Acton Lane
NW10 7NH London

London Training for Excellence - A Leading International Training Provider 

London Training for Excellence (LondonTFE) offers over 400 training courses for business entities and individuals in more than 30 locations worldwide, including cities such as London, Paris, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Dubai and New York. LondonTFE provides courses designed to transform delegates'...

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