Professional Training

Catastrophic Bleeding Control

Madeleys First Aid Plus, In Shropshire (+2 locations)
3 hours
60 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Blended, In Company, Classroom, Virtual Classroom
3 hours
60 GBP excl. VAT
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Blended, In Company, Classroom, Virtual Classroom
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Course description


The course will provide learners with guidance on catastrophic bleeding control, including how to apply a tourniquet and haemostatic dressings.

The RQF Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid is a specialized training course designed for individuals who work in forestry, arboriculture, or other related outdoor industries where there is a higher risk of injuries and emergencies. This course focuses on providing participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond effectively to first aid situations specifically in forestry and outdoor environments. Here is a description of the course:

  1. Introduction to Forestry First Aid: The course begins with an overview of the specific risks and hazards encountered in forestry and outdoor environments. Participants learn about the importance of understanding these risks and how they can impact the provision of first aid. The course also emphasizes the importance of personal safety and risk assessment in such settings.

  2. Assessing and Managing Emergencies: Participants learn how to recognize and assess different types of emergencies that can occur in forestry and outdoor environments. They are trained in the initial management of these emergencies, including activating emergency medical services (EMS), ensuring personal and scene safety, and implementing appropriate first aid procedures.

  3. First Aid Techniques: The course covers a range of first aid techniques tailored to the specific needs of forestry and outdoor settings. Participants learn how to manage common injuries and illnesses encountered in these environments, including cuts, fractures, sprains, strains, insect bites, heat or cold-related conditions, and potentially more severe injuries such as crush injuries or chainsaw accidents.

  4. Use of Forestry-Specific First Aid Equipment: Participants receive training on the proper use of first aid equipment specific to the forestry industry. This may include the use of specialized first aid kits, tourniquets, dressings for heavy bleeding, and other equipment commonly used in outdoor settings.

  5. Remote Emergency Situations: The course addresses the challenges of providing first aid in remote or isolated locations commonly encountered in forestry and outdoor environments. Participants learn strategies for managing emergencies when access to immediate medical assistance may be delayed, and how to effectively communicate with emergency services in remote areas.

  6. Incident Reporting and Documentation: Participants learn the importance of accurate incident reporting and documentation. They understand the legal and ethical responsibilities associated with reporting incidents, maintaining records, and providing appropriate information to relevant authorities.

  7. Scenario-based Training: Practical training forms a significant part of the course, with participants engaging in scenario-based exercises specific to forestry and outdoor emergencies. These simulations allow participants to apply their knowledge and skills in realistic situations, promoting critical thinking, decision-making, and effective communication.

  8. Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, participants may receive the RQF Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid. This certification demonstrates their competence in providing first aid in forestry and outdoor environments and their understanding of the unique challenges and considerations associated with these settings.

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  • Classroom
  • Shropshire
  • English

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  • Blended
  • Shropshire
  • English

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  • In Company
  • United Kingdom
  • English

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  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

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  • Blended
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  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?

The RQF Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid (and heavy plant machinery) is primarily designed for individuals who work in the forestry, arboriculture, or outdoor industries. It is suitable for a range of professionals and workers who may find themselves in remote or challenging environments where immediate medical assistance may be limited. The course is particularly relevant for the following individuals:

  1. Forestry Workers and Farmers/Farm Workers: This includes individuals working in forest management, tree felling, logging, timber harvesting, and related activities. These workers are exposed to various risks and hazards, such as chainsaw accidents, falls, and heavy machinery-related injuries. The course equips them with the necessary first aid skills to respond effectively to emergencies in these specific work settings.

  2. Arborists and Tree Surgeons: Professionals working in tree care, maintenance, and removal, including arborists and tree surgeons, can benefit from attending this course. They often work at heights and encounter potential hazards related to climbing, using cutting tools, and dealing with heavy branches. Forestry first aid training helps them address injuries and emergencies commonly encountered in their line of work.

  3. Outdoor Activity Instructors: Instructors leading outdoor activities and adventure sports, such as hiking, camping, mountain biking, and orienteering, should consider attending this course. They are responsible for the safety of participants in remote or wilderness areas, where access to medical assistance may be limited. First aid training specific to forestry and outdoor environments enhances their ability to respond to emergencies during these activities.

  4. Forest Rangers and Wildlife Conservation Workers: Individuals involved in forest conservation, wildlife management, or national park services may encounter emergencies while working in remote locations. Forest rangers, park wardens, and wildlife conservation workers can benefit from this course to enhance their first aid skills in addressing incidents related to wildlife encounters, injuries, and medical emergencies.

  5. Outdoor Education and Field Research Personnel: Teachers, educators, and researchers who conduct outdoor education programs, field trips, or scientific research in forestry or outdoor environments should attend this course. They are responsible for the well-being and safety of students, participants, or research team members during outdoor activities. First aid training specific to forestry and outdoor settings enables them to respond effectively to emergencies that may arise.

It's important to note that the RQF Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid is also suitable for individuals who have already completed the Emergency First Aid at Work first aid course and wish to advance their skills and knowledge in the context of forestry and outdoor environments. Additionally, employers in the forestry and outdoor industries may require their employees to undertake this course to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations and to enhance the overall safety culture within their organizations.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Upon successful completion of the RQF Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid, participants can expect to achieve the following outcomes:

  1. Comprehensive Understanding of Forestry First Aid: Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the principles, techniques, and best practices of first aid specifically tailored to the forestry and outdoor industries. They will develop knowledge of the specific risks and hazards encountered in these environments and how to effectively respond to emergencies in remote or challenging settings.

  2. Competence in Emergency Assessment and Management: Participants will acquire the skills necessary to assess and manage a wide range of forestry-related emergencies. They will learn how to quickly recognize and evaluate emergency situations, implement appropriate first aid measures, and effectively coordinate emergency responses in the absence of immediate medical assistance.

  3. First Aid Techniques and Equipment: The course will cover a variety of first aid techniques and procedures relevant to forestry and outdoor environments. Participants will learn how to address specific injuries and illnesses commonly encountered in these settings, including cuts, fractures, strains, environmental injuries, and potential life-threatening incidents. They will also become familiar with the proper use of forestry-specific first aid equipment and resources.

  4. Risk Assessment and Personal Safety: Participants will develop skills in conducting risk assessments specific to forestry and outdoor environments. They will understand the importance of personal safety and the proactive identification and mitigation of potential hazards. Participants will be able to make informed decisions to ensure their safety and the safety of others while providing first aid in challenging circumstances.

  5. Communication and Teamwork: Effective communication and teamwork are crucial in emergency situations. Participants will enhance their communication skills, including effective reporting, providing clear instructions, and seeking assistance when needed. They will also learn how to work collaboratively with others in an emergency response team, ensuring efficient coordination and the best possible outcomes.

  6. Confidence in Forestry First Aid: Through hands-on practical training and simulated scenarios, participants will gain confidence in their ability to apply first aid skills in forestry and outdoor settings. They will develop the confidence to act swiftly and appropriately during emergencies, promoting positive outcomes and potentially saving lives.

  7. Certification: Successful participants will typically receive the RQF Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid certification. This certification demonstrates their competency in providing first aid specifically tailored to forestry and outdoor environments. The certification is recognized and respected within the industry, affirming their ability to respond effectively to emergencies and contribute to the safety and well-being of individuals in these settings.

Training Course Content


Module 1 Introduction
Module 2 Emergency planning and remote medical assistance
Module 3 Catastrophic bleeding
Module 4 Crush injuries
Module 5 Effects of extreme cold
Module 6 Lyme disease
Module 7 Written assessment and course closure
Session content Trainer/assessor introduction
Venue health and safety procedures, facilities, and any housekeeping rules
Qualification information:
• Syllabus
• Validity, requalification, and refresher training
• Assessment process and any physical demands
• Reasonable adjustment and special consideration
• FAA and centre complaints and appeals policies
• Completion of the FAA Course Register and FAA Learner Registration Forms
Learner introductions
Session duration 10 minutes
Session content Safety measures
Assessment of first aid needs
Planning for an emergency
Emergency procedures
Summoning assistance
Actions when help is more than 30 minutes away
Session duration 15 minutes
Session content First aid guidelines
Hypovolaemic shock
Methods for controlling catastrophic bleeding:
• Direct pressure
• Haemostatic dressings/agents
• Tourniquets
Assessment Scenario - Catastrophic bleeding
Session duration 30 minutes
Session content Crush syndrome
Crush injury treatment and critical time factors
Session duration 15 minutes
Session content Recognition of hypothermia
Treatment of hypothermia
Session duration 15 minutes
Session content What is Lyme disease?
Tick bites – recognition and treatment
Lyme disease – early stages
Lyme disease – later stages
Session duration 15 minutes
Session content
Assessment Completion of the written assessment

Course delivery details

The delivery of the RQF Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid course may vary depending on the training provider or certifying organization. However, the course is typically designed to provide participants with a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills through various instructional methods. 

  1. Classroom-Based Learning: The course may include classroom-based sessions where participants receive theoretical instruction on topics such as first aid principles, assessment techniques, specific injuries and illnesses related to forestry, and emergency response protocols. Trainers may use presentations, lectures, videos, and interactive discussions to deliver the necessary knowledge.

  2. Practical Training: Practical training is a crucial component of the course, allowing participants to apply their knowledge in simulated forestry and outdoor scenarios. Trainers will guide participants through hands-on exercises, including first aid techniques, casualty assessment, bandaging, splinting, and other relevant skills. Practical sessions help participants develop confidence and competence in real-life emergency situations.

  3. Demonstrations and Skills Stations: Trainers may provide demonstrations of specific first aid techniques, equipment usage, and emergency response procedures. Participants will have the opportunity to observe and practice these skills at designated skills stations. This allows for individual or small-group practice and reinforcement of essential skills.

  4. Scenario-Based Training: Scenario-based training is often used to simulate real-life forestry and outdoor emergencies. Participants will be presented with realistic scenarios where they must assess the situation, prioritize care, and respond accordingly. These scenarios may involve multiple casualties, challenging environmental conditions, and limited resources to replicate the conditions they may encounter in the field.

  5. Interactive Discussions and Case Studies: our trainers facilitate interactive discussions and case studies to engage participants and encourage critical thinking. These activities allow participants to explore different aspects of forestry first aid, share experiences, and learn from one another. Discussions may cover topics such as legal considerations, decision-making during emergencies, and ethical dilemmas.

  6. Assessment and Evaluation: Throughout the course, participants are assessed to ensure their understanding and proficiency in forestry first aid. Assessments include written exams, practical assessments, skills demonstrations, and scenario-based evaluations. Our trainers provide feedback to participants, highlighting areas for improvement and reinforcing key concepts.

  7. Course Materials and Resources: Participants will receive course materials and resources to support their learning. These include handouts, reference guides, first aid manuals, and access to online resources. These materials serve as references for participants to review and reinforce their knowledge beyond the duration of the course.

  8. Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, participants may receive the RQF Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid certification. The certification acknowledges their competence in providing first aid specifically tailored to forestry and outdoor environments. It serves as a recognized qualification within the industry and may be required by employers or regulatory bodies.

Why choose Madeleys First Aid Plus

Founded in 2021 after Louise left 30 years in the NHS as an Advanced practitioner in A&E/ITU, had spent 1.5 years in Covid ITU

Won FSB Best start-up business in the West Midlands in May 2023

Now trained 100's of delegates in Physical and Mental Health First Aid


Travel costs and lunch required, there are many cafes and sandwich bars here in Much Wenlock to buy your lunch, you may eat it in the training room.

All training material, books, qualification certificates are included in the price

Continuing Studies

After completing the RQF Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid, individuals may consider several progression options to further develop their skills and advance their careers in the field. Some potential pathways for progression include:

  1. Advanced First Aid Courses: Individuals can pursue advanced first aid courses to expand their knowledge and skills in emergency medical care. This may include courses such as the RQF Level 3 Award in First Response Emergency Care (FREC) or the RQF Level 3 Certificate in First Response Emergency Care (FREC). These courses provide more comprehensive training in emergency care, including advanced life support techniques, trauma management, and the administration of medication.

  2. Specialist Forestry Training: To enhance their expertise in forestry-related skills, individuals can pursue specialized training courses in areas such as chainsaw operation, tree climbing, or wilderness survival. These courses can complement their first aid knowledge and enable them to provide more effective assistance in emergencies specific to forestry and outdoor environments.

  3. Instructor Training: Individuals who wish to share their knowledge and skills in forestry first aid can consider becoming certified first aid instructors. Instructor training programs equip individuals with the necessary teaching methodologies, communication skills, and knowledge of educational principles. By becoming an instructor, individuals can contribute to training others in forestry first aid and help promote a culture of safety within the industry.

  4. Continued Professional Development (CPD): Engaging in ongoing professional development is essential for staying up to date with the latest advancements and best practices in forestry first aid. Individuals can participate in CPD activities, such as attending conferences, workshops, or seminars related to first aid, wilderness medicine, or health and safety in forestry. Continuous learning and staying informed about industry developments are crucial for maintaining competency and improving skills.

  5. Leadership Roles: Individuals with the RQF Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid can aspire to leadership positions within their organizations or the industry. They can seek opportunities to take on roles such as safety officers, team leaders, or supervisors, where they can apply their expertise in forestry first aid to promote safety and develop comprehensive emergency response plans.

  6. Further Education in Related Fields: Some individuals may choose to pursue further education in related fields, such as health and safety, emergency management, or environmental sciences. These additional qualifications can provide a broader understanding of the industry and open up career opportunities in areas such as risk assessment, safety management, or regulatory compliance.

It's important for individuals to consider their career goals, personal interests, and the specific requirements of their industry when deciding on the most suitable progression path. Consulting with industry professionals, attending networking events, and researching available opportunities can help individuals make informed decisions about their professional development in forestry first aid.

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Madeleys First Aid Plus
64 High Street
64 High Street
TF13 6AE Much Wenlock Any

Madeleys First Aid Plus

When it comes to first aid training, it's not just about learning the basics of how to bandage a wound or perform CPR. It's about being prepared to handle any emergency situation that may arise with confidence and skill. That's...

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