Professional Training
5.0 (1 Reviews)

Making Professional Presentations

1 month
455 GBP excl. VAT
Next course start
8 July, 2024 (+2 start dates)
Course delivery
In Company
1 month
455 GBP excl. VAT
Next course start
8 July, 2024 (+2 start dates)
Course delivery
In Company
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Course description

Presentations are a highly effective medium of communication used with colleagues, project teams, management and customers. This programme will provide delegates with the opportunity to practice the preparation and delivery of both formal and informal presentations. It is designed to enhance basic presentation skills, improving self confidence and assisting delegates to create a more professional impact. Delegates will be given a systematic method for ensuring that their presentations are effective and achieve the necessary objectives. The programme is designed to enhance basic presentation skills, improving self confidence and assisting participants to create a more professional impact. In addition, delegates have the option to work towards an ilm Unit Qualification.

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 2 start dates

8 July, 2024

  • In Company
  • Hengoed
  • English

14 November, 2024

  • In Company
  • Hengoed
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?

For those that want to deliver presentations more effectively, in person or through the medium of video conferencing. This short programme is popular with team leaders, project managers, marketing professionals and all levels of management.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Delegates have the option for an additional fee of £259 per person to achieve ilm Level 3 or 5 Unit Accreditation and Certification, by submitting the required assignment.

Why choose Palladium Training and Consultancy Limited

Over 2000 learners across a range of management levels and market sectors attend an ILM National Qualification

Our success can be measured through 98.9% of all learners who have completed their ilm Qualification.

We hold the ILM stamp of approval and hold Direct Claim Status for all ILM National Qualifications.


Average rating 5

Based on 1 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
Write a review!
22 Mar 2023

Really good trainer who put us at ease ahead of the sessions.
Excellent workbooks which I will use to help me prepare for future presentations.
This course has given me more co...

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Palladium Training and Consultancy Limited
Palladium Training, Tredomen Gateway, Tredomen Park, Ystrad Mynach
CF82 7EH Hengoed Caerphilly

Palladium Training and Consultancy Limited

Palladium Training & Consultancy Ltd, an approved ILM Centre, provides a comprehensive and integrated service for those organisations who value and believe in developing their people. When you select a strategic partner, you look for a provider who will go...

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