Apprenticeship training for companies

Pedestrian pallet stacker

PD Training Limited, Nationwide
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Course description

Pedestrian Pallet Stacker Training Course

We offer a Pedestrian Pallet Stacker Course, specially designed to cater to individuals aiming to master the operation of this specific type of material handling equipment.

Conducted adhering to UK standards, the course provides comprehensive training, covering essential topics such as the fundamental principles of operation, understanding control features, and mastering safe manoeuvring techniques.

Participants will also learn crucial safety procedures, pre-operational checks, and basic maintenance practices to ensure the longevity and safe operation of the pallet stacker. The course blends theoretical knowledge with practical, hands-on experience, ensuring participants are well-equipped to operate pedestrian pallet stackers confidently and safely in various work environments.

Our experienced instructors offer personalised guidance throughout the training, ensuring all participants can progress at a comfortable pace. Upon successful completion of the course, participants receive a certification, validating their competence and readiness to operate pedestrian pallet stackers, thereby enhancing their employability and skill set in industries requiring such material handling capabilities.

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  • Classroom
  • United Kingdom

Suitability - Who should attend?


Most trainers won’t train anyone under the age of 17, and most employers won’t employ drivers under 18 due to limitations in place due to the weight of forklifts they are operating. 

Medical Fitness

Forklift drivers and operators need to have the appropriate medical fitness level for the work they are expected to undertake. 

It is good practice for all operators to be screened for fitness before employment and at regular intervals. 

Normal levels of fitness required by forklift operators are:

General – Operators should have full movement of the trunk, neck, limbs and normal agility.

Vision – Operating a lift truck depends on good judgement of space and distance and this required effective use of both eyes. Distance vision should be of the same standard for driving a car on public roads.

Hearing – The ability to hear instructions and warning signals is important, although a risk assessment can be taken to determine if deafness does not constitute a hazard. 

An experienced worker who loses a lib can retrain, but a stable disposition is required. An individual who is dependant on alcohol or non-prescribed drugs should not be employed as a lift truck operator.

Driving License

You don’t need to hold a valid UK driving license to operate a forklift truck unless you need to drive the forklift on public roads or highways.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

We offer BRITTOp and RTITB accredited training courses across the UK.

  • Road Transport Industry Training Board (RTITB)
  • The accrediting Bodies Association for Workplace Transport (ABA)
  • British register of Industrial truck trainers and operators (BRITTOp)
  • Member of British Safety Council

Training Course Content

  • Course induction
  • The need and reasons to training and statutory requirements (HASAWA 1974 etc.)
  • Introduction to equipment/control familiarisation/principles of operation
  • Identification/use/adjustment of attachments in pre-determined positions including forks
  • Recommended mount and dismount
  • Introduction to motive, steering controls and practice
  • Basic steering exercises – simple courses
  • Advanced steering exercises – figure of 8/chicane/90° approaches
  • Battery charging procedures/maintenance
  • Operator safety code and relevant handout
  • Daily pre-use inspections
  • Engineering principles/rated capacity/stability
  • Simple hydraulics (theory)
  • Introduction to hydraulic controls, handling empty pallets low level
  • Load types/handling and weight assessment
  • Manoeuvring with loads/ramps and inclines/handling awkward loads*
  • Relevant safety film
  • Vehicle loading and unloading (theory)*
  • Vehicle loading and unloading (practical)*
  • Multi choice theory test
  • Pre-use inspection test
  • Practical skills test

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