Professional Training
4.8 (9 Reviews)

Senior Management Skills

PTP Training & Marketing Ltd, In Bristol (+7 locations)
1 day
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Course description

Senior Management Skills

This Senior Management Skills course is designed to support Participants who wish to accelerate their own development within Management. It is designed to provide managers who are committed to progression with an understanding of how to develop their career to the next level. The day will include an open and honest review of personal strengths, development areas and current behaviours. To achieve personal progression it is essential to have the ability to develop and lead others with confidence. The day will look at how to provide effective empowerment to others and encourage broader ownership of strategic tasks and objectives. Finally the day will provide clarity of the differences between managers and leaders and how to progress to the latter.

This Senior Management Skills course is available throughout the UK.

CPD Value 5.5 Hours

Outcome / Qualification etc.

  • An opportunity to assess current ability and identify personal behaviours, whilst operating in varied situations
  • How to build productive relationships
  • How to develop your staff by creating empowerment and an environment that encourages ownership
  • The ability to think differently and produce creativity
  • Understanding the roles of managers and leaders and how they work together
  • How to become an effective leader

Training Course Content

  • 09:30 - 10:00 Coffee & Course Objectives
  • 10:00 - 11:00 Where are you now? Self Evaluation
  • A chance to assess who, what and where you are and where you want to get to. Creating a personal SWOT analysis to form the basis for a personal development plan.
  • 11:00 - 11:30 Building Relationships
  • How to create extraordinary relationships and work collaboratively to achieve results.
  • 11:30 - 12:30 Empowerment and Ownership
  • How to enrich the roles of others by giving them the opportunity to play an active role rather than just following your direction.
  • 12:30 - 13:00 Achieve more through others.
  • How to adopt a structured process for delegation to ensure success for everyone, every time for every Participant task.
  • 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00 - 14:30 Thinking Creatively
  • How to take a creative approach to thinking and problem solving. Understanding the models and tools available to help you
  • 14:30 - 15:00 Power and Influence.
  • An opportunity to recognise your personal power levers and how to use them effectively. How to win support from others and utilise positive influencing behaviours. .
  • 15:00 - 15:30 Manager or Leader?
  • A chance to understand the key differences between being a manager or a leader. What does each do and how do they depend upon each other.
  • 15:30 - 16:00 Becoming a Leader.
  • Plotting the journey from being a manager to becoming a leader, what are the key changes.
  • 16:00 - Summary & Action Plans Agreed
  • A review of the days course and the creation of a personal action plan.
  • 16.30 - Close and depart

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Average rating 4.8

Based on 9 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
Write a review!
Stuart Brooks, Newsprinters
07 Jun 2015

Good course in a relaxed style. Gave time to think and focus on personal needs.

Roy McManus, Newsprinters
02 Jun 2015

Very good course, well delivered, adapted to our needs.

Robert Simpson, Bartlett Group Ltd
28 May 2015

Excellent course, fantastic presenter/trainer.


Fee includes all course materials, Participant packs, certification and lunch

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PTP Training & Marketing Ltd
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LE12 6TU Wymeswold Leicestershire

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