Professional Training
4.9 (11 Reviews)

ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

Results Driven Group, In Cumbria (+1 locations)
5 days
2,395 - 2,695 GBP excl. VAT
Next course start
17 June, 2024 (+3 start dates)
Course delivery
Classroom, Virtual Classroom
5 days
2,395 - 2,695 GBP excl. VAT
Next course start
17 June, 2024 (+3 start dates)
Course delivery
Classroom, Virtual Classroom
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ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching & Mentoring

Residential courses in Keswick run over 5 consecutive days

Tutor led - on line face to face course run over 6 sessions over 6 weeks

This 5 day training course leading to the ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring is designed to enable first line managers to implement coaching and mentoring benchmark to support professional development in their teams.

This qualification training programme accredited through the ILM and delivered by Results Driven Group provides participants with a set of coaching methods, tools and techniques to be implemented in their organisations.

By the end of this training programme, candidates will have gained a deeper understanding of how coaching and mentoring can impact their organisations. They will be able to evaluate and improve their own coaching skills, approaches and knowledge as coaches and mentors and plan their next development steps.

All delegates who successfully complete the ILM Level 5 Diploma training requirements and practical coaching module will be prepared to implement a coaching and mentoring culture in their organisations, and provide effective support for the development of their teams.

***Flexible interest-free payment plans available***

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 3 start dates

17 June, 2024

  • Classroom
  • Cumbria

30 September, 2024

  • Classroom
  • Cumbria

On-line tutor led course starting 07 October 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

Suitability - Who should attend?

This ILM Level 5 Diploma is for managers and those with significant responsibility for effective coaching and mentoring as part of their daily role within an organisational context. They are also ideal for individuals who wish to move into a development role or start a career as a freelance coach or mentor.

Benefits for individuals
• Be able to assess your own skills, knowledge and behaviours as a coach and mentor
• Plan, deliver and review your coaching and mentoring
• Know how to manage the coaching or mentoring process within an organisational context
• Deepen your understanding of how the organisational context can affect coaching or mentoring
• Plan, deliver and review your coaching and mentoring
• Plan your future development in coaching or mentoring

Benefits for employers and educators
• Plan, deliver and review your coaching and mentoring
• Ensure the individuals you develop as effective
coaches and mentors are equipped with the skills,
knowledge and understanding required
• Plan, deliver and review your coaching and mentoring
• Develop a coaching and mentoring culture so that
individuals can improve their performance and
organisational productivity

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Successful candidates who complete all programme requirements receive the ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

Training Course Content

There are three mandatory units for this qualification.

The first unit, ‘Understanding the Skills, Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring within an Organisational Context' aims to enable learners to understand the role and contribution of coaching and mentoring, and build a business case.

The second unit requires learners to demonstrate their ability to plan, deliver and review at least 54 hours of coaching and mentoring, with multiple clients, and there is an added focus on using supervision and reflective review to develop individual practice.

The third unit, ‘Reviewing Own Ability as a Coach or Mentor within an Organisational Context' aims to give learners the ability to critically review their own personal qualities, skills and competence.

The programme is supported by coaching supervision


Flexible Payment Terms

If you are self-funding, please enquire about our flexible payment terms. A 30% deposit will be taken when you book to secure your place on the course. We will then set up an interest-free monthly payment plan by direct debit or credit card for the balance.

The Results Driven Group Price Comparison Offer

If you can price-match any of our open or bespoke residential courses, we will match the difference. Please see website for more details.

The price of the course is exclusive of VAT

The programme cost includes, accommodation (Keswick residential only)

In-house Training

Results Driven Group can also deliver this course as in-house training at your premises for a minimum of 4 delegates.

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Our Customer Outreach Award is presented to trusted providers who are excellent at responding to enquiries, making your search quicker, more efficient and easier, too.

Reviews by course attendees

Average rating 4.9

Based on 11 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
Write a review!
27 May 2023
Residential Coaching and Mentoring Course

Thought provoking, motivational learning in a great location. Chris and Dave brought the subject to life with the combination of classroom learning, practice and outdoor experie...

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03 Oct 2022
learned how to develop my Coaching and Mentoring skills

Spent the week with this as my office . I've been on a residential course in Keswick with Results Driven , Learning how to develop my Coaching and Mentoring skills with 14 of th...

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Course delegate
19 Dec 2019
Would definitely recommend

An excellent engaging course, which has given me lots of new knowledge and skills to take forward. Would definitely recommend!

Results Driven Group
Rosegarth, Cumberhills Road
DE56 4HA Duffield

Results Driven Group - ILM Qualifications & Professional Development Training Courses

RDG specialise in bespoke skills training, CMI / ILM Leadership & Management, Coaching & Mentoring qualifications and professional development solutions. With over 20 years experience in the training industry, Results Driven Group have established an excellent reputation for the delivery...

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