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More about Financial Training Courses in Dubai

Beginning a Career or Expanding Knowledge through Professional Training

Training courses in Finance delivered in Dubai are available to those looking to embark on a career in accounting and finance, or those looking for professional development courses who want training in this expanding economy. With the rulers of UAE opening up the country and its education system to students from around the world, professional development in Dubai is now a real option for any person looking to improve their chances of living and working in the country.

Foreign Academic Institutions Delivering Professional Training Courses in the UAE

As the 21st century began, the ruling family of Dubai made the stunning decision to open up the educational system to colleges, universities and professional development companies from around the world. UK based universities were amongst the first to set up campuses in the purpose built educational zones where training and professional development could be undertaken with accreditation to boards and colleges around the world. Gaining a diploma using courses recognised in the UK is a major draw for those looking for finance training from Great Britain. The education free zone operated in Dubai attracted 20,000 international students to its courses in 2007, a number that has continued to grow ever since.

Study Courses Designed for a Successful Career in Dubai's Emerging Economy

Professional development is something that is taken very seriously in Dubai, where a major skills shortage is seen as the only stumbling block for this emerging economy. Finance experts are actively sought from those training in Dubai to remain in the country when they have completed their professional development courses to become leaders in some of the largest companies operating in the UAE. Surveys undertaken in recent years have shown the shortage of skills for finance and accounting professionals is prevalent in 64 industrial sectors, meaning those who have completed professional development courses are always in high demand.

Training Courses Designed to Meet the Needs of Dubai Based Companies

Despite the growing success of the educational zones established in Dubai, the need for more professionals remaining in the UAE longterm has been identified as a major issue facing the economy. Professional development training courses in Finance were placed high on the list of those needed to attract professionals to the region in 2012. Courses are now based on the needs of the UAE economy and how those staying in the region after they graduate can make a positive impact in one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

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