Royal Marines commando | Average UK Salary & Outlook

Royal Marines commandos take part in frontline combat, and are sent at short notice to deal with emergency situations.

Royal Marines commandos typically work around Variable hours per week.

As a Royal Marines commando you will typically work evenings / weekends / bank holidays.

* from ONETonline
Average salary
56,478 GBP *
per year
15,700 GBP
48,000 GBP
5+ Experience
* data taken from the Office of National Statistics (
Average salary for Royal Marines commando

  • 57,713 GBP
  • 52,883 GBP
Average salary for full-time Royal Marines commando

  • 56,478 GBP
  • 52,883 GBP
  • 57,713 GBP
Salary over time for Royal Marines commando

Salary for this role has increased over time
  • 57,343 GBP
  • 59,769 GBP
  • 58,826 GBP
  • 57,759 GBP
  • 56,671 GBP
  • 53,769 GBP
  • 56,478 GBP
  • 56,478 GBP
  • 52,016 GBP

Future outlook for Royal Marines commandos

Balanced outlook
13 000+ jobs available
Balanced outlook
-1% yearly wage growth (on average)

Royal Marines commando - Your future job?

Which qualifications do I need?

Find out what you need to know in order to become a Royal Marines commando and the highest average level of education for people in this role.

Find out which qualifications or skills you need to become a Royal Marines commandos.

You can apply directly to join the Royal Navy as a commando. You don't need any specific qualifications, but you will need to meet the Navy's eligibility requirements. For example, you must:

  • be aged between 16 and 32
  • be at least 151.5cm tall (no limit for women)
  • pass fitness tests

If your application is accepted, you'll be invited to talk to someone at your local armed forces careers office about what you want to do. You'll then attend an interview and assessment.

You'll need:

  • physical fitness and endurance
  • persistence and determination
  • patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations
  • concentration skills and quick reactions
  • active listening skills and the ability to work in a team
  • the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure
  • to be thorough and pay attention to detail
  • thinking and reasoning skills for making quick decisions
  • to be able to carry out basic tasks on a computer or hand-held device

Get the right qualification to begin your journey to becoming a Royal Marines commando
