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Explore New Career Development Opportunities in Public Health

Public health is one if the foremost areas of interest in the field of medicine and is highly sought after in many countries owing to its popularity in the employment sector and exciting professional and research opportunities. For this reason, public health training courses are a valuable means of entering the field, which is interdisciplinary with subjects including:

  •         Environmental health
  •         Behavioral health
  •         Community health
  •         Health economics
  •         Insurance medicine
  •         Occupational health and safety
  •         Public policy

It includes aspects related to epidemiology, biostatistics and health services. This field of study focuses on measures and improvement techniques in avoiding diseases and taking actions for preventing community hazards. Some of the common issues it focuses on are vaccinations, breastfeeding guidelines, pregnancy queries, contraception, safe sex and explaining the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases and other issues of general public interest.

Professional development opportunities within the public health field are very diverse and extremely rewarding. Some of the common roles for professionals in this field hold are medical officers, public nurses, midwives, psychologists, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, medical assistants, medical microbiologists and dental hygienists. This field also involves a mixture of several branches of science and healthcare including epidemiology, biostatistics and health services.

Public Health Education

To start a career in the public health sector, a university degree in a medical field is typically required. Backed with postgraduate qualifications and short public health training courses, a public health degree opens up numerous career development opportunities for recent graduates or working professionals. Schools that provide such specialised degrees and certifications include medical schools, veterinary schools, schools of nursing, public health schools. schools of public affairs, as well as accredited training providers specialising in healthcare and public health services. Some of the common concepts covered in the course offerings include:

  •         Epidemiology
  •         Behavioral science
  •         Health essentials
  •         Hospital administration
  •         Health policy
  •         Public policy
  •         Environmental science
  •         Psychology
  •         Veterinary science

Common Formats for Public Health Training Courses

As these courses and degree programmes are very technical and require practical training, many public health training courses are offered in traditional classroom formats with some materials and instructions provided online for the convenience of busy professionals. Online courses give professionals the flexibility to attend classes and evaluations at their own convenience and revisit materials easily with the additional benefit of reduced costs and tuition.

Career Benefits of Public Health Training Courses

Professionals with degrees in public health and medicine or who have enroled on public health training courses, will find immense opportunities for employment in various research firms, healthcare centers, hospitals and community welfare organisations. Different government organisations also hire such professionals with public health education for various public policy and welfare and pubic interest programs and campaigns.