Best Foot Forward Training: Committed to Results

Dani Littlejohn

Open and In-house Professional Development

Best Foot Forward Training guarantees that you get a threefold return on investment when starting a professional development programme for your workforce. How? After completing your training with BFFT, top end performers in your team will continue to be committed, the remaining staff stay motivated and productive and therefore your bottom line will increase. BFFT delivers:

  • Public Courses for individuals - run at a central London location
  • In-house Training - tailored courses at your offices will save you money on your staff training, for groups of three or more participants

Open and In-house Courses

At Best Foot Forward Training, course instructors focus on smaller groups for optimum learning. Training courses are tailored for the individual companies and encompass a mix of learning styles and techniques, to suit everyone in the room. All of Best Foot Forward Training's courses are engaging, dynamic, always fun and, at the same time, they are made practical and relevant, focusing on making ‘the penny drop’ for everyone.

Best Foot Forward Training Ltd is committed to delivering best results by delivering personalised solutions and working closely with organisations and individuals beyond an isolated training session.

Best Foot Forward Training's commitment is to always ensure that it offers the best course instructor and learning materials to meet your training needs, whether it's Secretarial, Managerial, or more general personal development courses.

Client Feedback

"Danielle ran an Influence and Persuasion course here in Manchester back in September and the feedback from the attendees about Danielle as the trainer was very positive. Danielle is very personable so I would say that the delegates engage very well with her . The delegates were also complimentary about her subject matter knowledge. She has a no nonsense approach to the pre and post bookings for the course. Due to the feedback from the original course we invited Danielle back to conduct a further training course on advanced presentation skills, again I have had positive feedback about her as a trainer." 

-- Geraldine McDarmaid (Waters Corporation)

"I've worked with many coaches before and I can truly say that Dani is different. With only a few meetings Dani has transformed how I approach running my business. Her coaching is extremely practical, empowering, useful and she helps to solve real problems. She is also full of great ideas and strategies to grow the business and develop people. Dani's unique approach constantly adds business value and I look forward to continuing our work together."

-- Michael Eder (Operations Director, Student

Personal Effectiveness Training Solutions - Open and In House

Life is a journey and most people at some point feel they are a little lost in terms of direction, motivation or confidence. These courses are designed for people who find themselves ‘stuck in a rut’ and need a nudge get out of it. These courses are created to help people from all roles and backgrounds to spend some introspective time focusing on making things work for them again.

Communication Skills Training Solutions - Open and In House

Effective communication skills are a powerful tool and something we take for granted. Relationships balance on the way we communicate with each other, be it between colleagues or clients. There are all sorts of tricks to controlling the way we behave in difficult situations and with people we find challenging. People find it enormously empowering to return from a course with strategies and tools to deal with their own specific professional hurdles.

Management Skills Training Solutions - Open and In House

Effective management requires skills that are often not natural and knowledge that is often not taught. The move to management can prove a difficult transition, affecting the productivity and motivation of the team and individual. People get promoted into the positions they deserve but they do not always get the opportunity to flourish, due to lack of support and guidance on some fairly rudimentary management skills. These courses really help people learn, grow in confidence and flourish within their management capacities.

PA and Support Staff Training Solutions - Open and In House

PAs are the backbone of an organisation, keeping the machinery of a business nicely oiled: setting meetings, rescheduling, monitoring changes of plan, organising travel, creating the relevant documentation and ensuring it can be located when required etc. Without an on the ball and proactive team of PAs and administrators confusion, poor customer service and poor time management ensue to name just a few of the issues that can make the company look bad.

BFFT offer in depth PA and support staff development allowing individuals to learn new skills, pick up tips and develop strategies for controlling and streamlining the processes of an organisation. If your PAs are confident, calm and professional your organisation will appear welcoming, capable and trustworthy.

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