Course description
Onshore Field Development Programs and Projects
This skill module introduces field development programs and projects. Shale development programs span several years and are composed of annual campaigns. These campaigns are a combination of drilling and completion activities, infrastructure projects and surface facility projects. The material presented is at the awareness competency level.
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
Early career project managers, project engineers, facility engineers, production engineers, project controls representatives, and purchasing personnel who plan, manage, or participate on multidiscipline shale field development project teams. Conventional and Unconventional (Shale) projects ranging from $5 MM to $50 MM, including well flow lines, tank batteries, booster compressors, short pipelines, and meter stations, that are a part of a larger field development program.
Training Course Content
- The progressive stages of a field development plan roadmap.
- What key performance indicators are and how they are used to
- track the overall status of a field development program.
- How to use standardization to increase the likelihood of shale project success.