Vocational & College Courses

Level 3 Access to Higher Education - Health & Social Care

1 year
3,384 GBP
Funding available
Funding available
Next course start
September See details
Course delivery
Virtual Classroom
1 year
3,384 GBP
Funding available
Funding available
Next course start
September See details
Course delivery
Virtual Classroom
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Course description

Access to HE – Level 3 Health & Social Care

Access to HE courses provide a good foundation in the knowledge and skills required for studying at university level, so that students are confident and well prepared when they go on to higher education. If you want a career in healthcare or social care then this course could be for you. 

If you would like to go into nursing or midwifery or to become a paramedic or physiotherapist to name but a few, the Access to Higher Education (HE) Diploma is a qualification which prepares students for study at degree level. It has been designed to give you relevant academic subject knowledge and the opportunity to learn how to approach study at university-level and develop techniques to help you succeed.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available


  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?

There is no such thing as a typical Access to HE student. Our Access to HE Diplomas are taken by students of all ages and backgrounds. Courses are designed, in particular, for people who have been out of education for some time, especially those who left school with too few qualifications to be able to go straight to university.

We would recommend that applicants have at least English or Maths GCSE, however, we may still accept you onto the programme if you have neither. To apply just return the completed application form (found on the course webpage on the Step Into Learning website). We will assess your suitability and get back to you within 2 weeks.    

This course is for those aged 19+

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Level: 3

Awarding Organisation: OCN London

Training Course Content

This is an online course accredited by OCN London. Lessons are taught on Zoom or Teams. The course is designed around local university entrance requirements. You will cover the following subjects:

  • Biology
  • Sociology
  • Study Skills
  • Psychology

Work is internally assessed by your tutors. You will complete a total of 60 credits, 45 of which are graded pass, merit or distinction. You will write essays, give presentations, create leaflets, review case studies & sit tests amongst others.

Course delivery details

The class is taught online, in a 'live' classroom, evenings and weekends so flexible around other commitments.

Why choose Step Into Learning

100% of learners on our Access to HE courses achieved merit or distinction in 2020/21


We can offer Advanced Learner Loans for this course (course cost is £3384). 

Advanced Learner Loans are here to help any learner aged 19+ to cover course fees for Level 3 and above, so you don’t have to worry about paying for your course upfront. There is no means of testing or formal credit check, and once you are approved, your fees are paid directly to us. You only need to start paying back the loan once you find full-time employment and earn an income over the UK repayment threshold. To qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan you must:

  • Be aged 19 or over at the start of your course
  • Be a resident in the UK for three years
  • Have not previously had a loan to do the same course (including any Access to HE course), subject, or level and be studying a course at Level 3 or above

Continuing Studies

The Access to Higher Education courses will help you gain the qualifications you need to go to university - you will be able to apply for university places to start the year after your Access to HE course e.g. if you start an Access to HE course in September 2023, then you could apply for university places starting September 2024.

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Step Into Learning
Step Into Learning, The Orchard Centre, Blind Hole
Market Street, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 8AU
PL15 8AU Launceston Cornwall

Step Into Learning

Step Into Learning specialise in training and courses with a vocational focus within the broad remit of health and wellbeing. We are an independent training provider with 20+ years experience based in Cornwall in the South West of England. Depending...

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